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    荣誉、项目、人才计划:博士论文Fungal Diseases of Eucalypts in China(中国桉树真菌病害研究)获国际林联杰出博士研究奖;曾主持国家自然科学基金委优青等项目;入选国家万人计划青年拔尖人才、国家林草局科技创新领军人才。

    论文著作:在国内外学术期刊发表论文100余篇,其中以唯一第一作者或者独立通讯作者在Studies in MycologyPersooniaMolecular Plant PathologySCI期刊发表论文50余篇。


    Liu QL, Wingfield MJ, Duong TA, Wingfield BD, Chen SF*. 2024. Diversity of Calonectria species from leaves and soils in diseased Southern China Eucalyptus plantation. Fungal Biology. 128: 2007–2021.

    Chen BY, Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2024. Wide distribution of Teratosphaeria epicoccoides and T. destructans associated with diseased Eucalyptus leaves in plantations in southern China. Microorganisms. 12: 129.

    Liang XY, Wang QC, Chen SF*. 2023. Phylogeny, morphology, distribution, and pathogenicity of seven Calonectria species from leaf blighted Eucalyptus in HaiNan Island, China. Plant Disease. 107(9): 2579–2605.

    Wu WX, Li WW, Liu FF, Chen SF*. 2023. Evidences of high genetic diversity and differences in population diversity of the Eucalyptus leaf blight pathogen Calonectria pseudoreteaudii from diseased leaves and soil in a plantation in GuangXi, China. Microorganisms. 11: 2785.

    Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2023. Wide distribution and intraspecies diversity in the  pathogenicity  of Calonectria in soil from Eucalyptus plantations in  southern Guangxi  of China. Journal of Fungi. 9: 802.

    Liu Y, Chen SF*. 2023. Diversity and distribution of Calonectria species in soils from Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis, Pinus massoniana, and Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations in four provinces in southern China. Journal of Fungi. 9: 198.

    Li WW, Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Duong TD. 2023. Calonectria species associated with diseased leaves and soils in southern China Eucalyptus plantations. Phytopathology Research. 5: 29.

    Li WW, Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Duong T. 2023. Calonectria queenslandica: Causal agent of Eucalyptus leaf blight in Southern China. Plant Disease. 107(3): 730–742.

    Li GQ, Wu WX, Lu LQ, Chen BY, Chen SF*. 2023. Characterization of Pseudofusicoccum species from diseased plantation-grown Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus spp., and Pinus massoniana in southern China. Pathogens. 12(4): 574.

    Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Barnes I, Chen SF*. 2022. Calonectria in the age of genes and genomes: Towards understanding an important but relatively unknown group of pathogens. Molecular Plant Pathology. 23: 1060–1072.

    Liu QL, Wingfield MJ, Duong T, Wingfield B, Chen SF*. 2022. Diversity and distribution of Calonectria species from plantation and forest soils in FuJian Province, China. Journal of Fungi. 8(8): 811.

    Wang QC, Liu FF, Liu QL, Wu WX, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2022. Comparison of hyphal fragments and spores to evaluate the pathogenicity of the Eucalyptus leaf and shoot pathogen Calonectria pseudoreteaudii. Plant Disease. 106 (12): 3145–3153.

    Li GQ, Chen WP, Jie F, Chen SF*. 2022. Selection of tolerant Eucalyptus genotypes to Botryosphaeriaceae species in southern China. Journal of Plant Pathology. 104(2): 527–535.

    Liu LL, Chen SF*. 2022. Pathogenicity of six Calonectria species isolated from five soil layers in a Eucalyptus plantation. Journal of Phytopathology. 170(78): 445–452.

    Li JQ, Barnes I, Liu FF, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2021. Global genetic diversity and mating type distribution of Calonectria pauciramosa: an important wide host-range plant pathogen. Plant Disease. 105(6): 1648–1656

    Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2021. Species diversity, mating strategy, and pathogenicity of Calonectria species from diseased leaves and soils in the Eucalyptus plantation in southern China. Journal of Fungi. 7(2): 73.

    Liu FF, Dong TA, Barnes I, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2021. Population diversity and genetic structure reveal patterns of host association and anthropogenic impact for the globally important fungal tree pathogen Ceratocystis manginecans. Journal of Fungi. 7(9): 759.

    Liu LL, Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2021. Species diversity and distribution characteristics of Calonectria in five soil layers in a Eucalyptus plantation. Journal of Fungi. 7(10): 857.

    Wang QC, Chen SF*. 2020. Calonectria pentaseptata causes severe leaf disease on cultivated Eucalyptus in Leizhou Peninsula of southern China. Plant Disease. 104(2): 493–509.

    Liu QL, Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Duong TA, Wingfield BD, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2020. Reconsideration of species boundaries and proposed DNA barcodes for Calonectria. Studies in Mycology. 97: 100106

    Wang W, Li GQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2020. Cryphonectriaceae on Myrtales in China: phylogeny, host range, and pathogenicity. Persoonia. 45: 101–131.

    Li JQ, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Barne I, Fourie A, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2020. Mating genes in Calonectria and evidence for a heterothallic ancestral state. Persoonia. 45: 163–176.

    Li GQ, Slippers B, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2020. Variation in Botryosphaeriaceae from Eucalyptus plantations in YunNan Province in southwestern China across a climatic gradient. IMA Fungus. 11: 22.

    Liu FF, Marincowitz S, Chen SF*, Mbenoun M, Tsopelas P, Soulioti N, Wingfield MJ. 2020. Novel species of Huntiella from naturally occurring forest trees in Greece and South Africa. MycoKeys. 69: 33–52.

    Roux J, Nkuekam GK, Marincowitz S, van der Merwe NA, Uchida J, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2020. Cryphonectriaceae associated with rust-infected Syzygium jambos in Hawaii. MycoKeys. 76: 49–79.

    Wang QC, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2019. Novel species of Calonectria isolated from soil near Eucalyptus plantations in southern China. Mycologia. 111(6): 1028–1040.

    Liu FF, Chen SF*, Ferreira MA, Chang RL, Sayari M, Kanzi AM, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Pizarro D, Crespo A, Divakar PK, de Beer ZW, DuongTA. 2019. Draft genome sequences of five Calonectria species from Eucalyptus plantations in China, Celoporthe dispersa, Sporothrix phasma and Alectoria sarmentosa. IMA Fungus. 10: 22.

    Chen SF*, Liu QL, Li GQ, Wingfield MJ, Roux J. 2018. A new genus of Cryphonectriaceae causes stem canker on Lagerstroemia speciosa in southern China. Plant Pathology. 67(1): 107–123.

    Liu FF, Barnes I, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2018. Molecular phylogenetics and microsatellite analysis reveal a new pathogenic Ceratocystis species in the Asian-Australian Clade. Plant Pathology. 67(5): 1097–1113

    Li GQ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2018. Botryosphaeriaceae from Eucalyptus plantations and adjacent plants in China. Persoonia. 40: 63–95.

    Wang W, Liu QL, Li GQ, Liu FF, Chen SF*. 2018. Phylogeny and pathogenicity of Celoporthe species from plantation Eucalyptus in Southern China. Plant Disease. 102(10): 1915–1927.

    Liu FF, Li GQ, Roux J, Barnes I, Wilson A, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2018. Nine novel species of Huntiella from southern China with three distinct mating strategies and variable levels of pathogenicity. Mycologia. 110(6): 1145–1171.

    Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Liu QL, Barnes I, Roux J, Lombard L, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2017. Calonectria species isolated from Eucalyptus plantations and nurseries in South China. IMA Fungus. 8: 259–286.

    Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2017. Two novel species of Calonectria isolated from soil in a natural forest in China. MycoKeys. 26: 25–60.

    Chen SF*, Li GQ, Liu QL, Li JQ, Liu FF. 2016. Characteristics of Lasiodiplodia theobromae from Rosa rugosa in South China. Crop Protection. 79: 51–55.

    Chen SF, van der Merwe NA, Wingfield MJ, Roux J*. 2016. Population structure of Holocryphia capensis (Cryphonectriaceae) from Metrosideros angustifoliaand its pathogenicity to Eucalyptus species. Australasian Plant Pathology. 45(2): 201–207.

    Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Li GQ, Liu FF. 2016. Corticimorbus sinomyrti gen. et sp. nov. (Cryphonectriaceae) pathogenic to native Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Myrtaceae) in South China. Plant Pathology. 65(8): 1254–1266.

    Li GQ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2016. Characterization of Botryosphaeria dothidea and Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae from English walnut in China. Journal of Phytopathology. 164(5): 348–353.

    Liu QL, Li GQ, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2016. Botrytis eucalypti, a novel species isolated from diseased Eucalyptus seedlings in South China. Mycological Progress. 15: 1057–1079.

    Chen SF*, Li GQ, Liu FF, Michailides TJ*. 2015. Novel species of Botryosphaeriaceae associated with shoot blight of pistachio. Mycologia. 107(4): 780–792.

    Li GQ, Arnold RJ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2015. Identification and pathogenicity of Lasiodiplodia species from Eucalyptus urophylla × grandis, Polyscias balfouriana and Bougainvillea spectabilis in southern China. Journal of Phytopathology. 163(11–12): 956–967.

    Liu FF, Mbenoun M, Barnes I, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Li GQ, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2015. New Ceratocystis species from Eucalyptus and Cunninghamia in South China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 107(6): 1451–1473.

    Lombard L, Chen SF*, Mou X, Zhou XD, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. 2015. New species, hyper-diversity and potential importance of Calonectria spp. from Eucalyptus in South China. Studies in Mycology. 80: 151–188.

    Chen SF, Morgon D, Hasey JK, Anderson K, Michailides TJ. 2014. Phylogeny, morphology, distribution, and pathogenicity of Botryosphaeriaceae and Diaporthaceae from English walnut in California. Plant Disease. 98(5): 636–652.

    Chen SF*, Morgon D, Michailides TJ. 2014. Botryosphaeriaceae and Diaporthaceae associated with panicle and shoot blight pistachio in California, USA. Fungal Diversity. 67: 157–179.

    Chen SF, Van Wyk M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2013. Taxonomy and pathogenicity of Ceratocystis species on Eucalyptus trees in South China, including C. chinaeucensis sp. nov. Fungal Diversity. 58: 267–279.

    Chen SF, Wingfield MJ, Roets F, Roux J. 2013. A serious canker caused by Immersiporthe knoxdaviesiana gen. et sp. nov. (Cryphonectriaceae) on native Rapanea melanophloeos in South Africa. Plant Pathology. 62(3): 667–678.

    Chen SF, Wingfield MJ, Roux J. 2013. Diversimorbus metrosiderotis gen. et sp. nov. and three new species of Holocryphia (Cryphonectriaceae) associated with cankers on native Metrosideros angustifolia trees in South Africa. Fungal Biology. 117(5): 289–310.

    Chen SF, Barnes I, Chungu D, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Xie YJ, Zhou XD. 2011. High population diversity and increasing importance of the Eucalyptus stem canker pathogen, Teratosphaeria zuluensis, in South China. Australasian Plant Pathology. 40(4): 407–415.

    Chen SF, Gryzenhout M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Novel species of Celoporthe from Eucalyptus and Syzygium trees in China and Indonesia. Mycologia. 103(6): 1384–1410.

    Chen SF, Lombard L, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Novel species of Calonectria associated with Eucalyptus leaf blight in Southeast China. Persoonia. 26: 1–12.

    Chen SF, Pavlic D, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Characterization of Botryosphaeriaceae from plantation-grown Eucalyptus species in South China. Plant Pathology. 60(4): 739–751.

    Chen SF, Gryzenhout M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2010. Identification and pathogenicity of Chrysoporthe cubensis on Eucalyptus and Syzygium spp. in South China. Plant Disease. 94(9): 1143–1150.

    (. 人工林为保障我国木材安全发挥重要作用。例如,桉树人工林占全国森林总面积的2.5%,提供了我国1/3的木材产量)

    (. 我国桉树人工林受多种病害的危害。例如,A. 桉树Calonectria叶焦枯病;B. 桉树Teratosphaeria叶枯病;C. 桉树Teratosphaeria斑点溃疡病)

    (. 引发我国桉树人工林重大病害的部分病原菌的微观形态和系统发生)

  • 研究领域





    荣誉、项目、人才计划:博士论文Fungal Diseases of Eucalypts in China(中国桉树真菌病害研究)获国际林联杰出博士研究奖;曾主持国家自然科学基金委优青等项目;入选国家万人计划青年拔尖人才、国家林草局科技创新领军人才。

    论文著作:在国内外学术期刊发表论文100余篇,其中以唯一第一作者或者独立通讯作者在Studies in MycologyPersooniaMolecular Plant PathologySCI期刊发表论文50余篇。



    Liu QL, Wingfield MJ, Duong TA, Wingfield BD, Chen SF*. 2024. Diversity of Calonectria species from leaves and soils in diseased Southern China Eucalyptus plantation. Fungal Biology. 128: 2007–2021.

    Chen BY, Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2024. Wide distribution of Teratosphaeria epicoccoides and T. destructans associated with diseased Eucalyptus leaves in plantations in southern China. Microorganisms. 12: 129.

    Liang XY, Wang QC, Chen SF*. 2023. Phylogeny, morphology, distribution, and pathogenicity of seven Calonectria species from leaf blighted Eucalyptus in HaiNan Island, China. Plant Disease. 107(9): 2579–2605.

    Wu WX, Li WW, Liu FF, Chen SF*. 2023. Evidences of high genetic diversity and differences in population diversity of the Eucalyptus leaf blight pathogen Calonectria pseudoreteaudii from diseased leaves and soil in a plantation in GuangXi, China. Microorganisms. 11: 2785.

    Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2023. Wide distribution and intraspecies diversity in the  pathogenicity  of Calonectria in soil from Eucalyptus plantations in  southern Guangxi  of China. Journal of Fungi. 9: 802.

    Liu Y, Chen SF*. 2023. Diversity and distribution of Calonectria species in soils from Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis, Pinus massoniana, and Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations in four provinces in southern China. Journal of Fungi. 9: 198.

    Li WW, Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Duong TD. 2023. Calonectria species associated with diseased leaves and soils in southern China Eucalyptus plantations. Phytopathology Research. 5: 29.

    Li WW, Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Duong T. 2023. Calonectria queenslandica: Causal agent of Eucalyptus leaf blight in Southern China. Plant Disease. 107(3): 730–742.

    Li GQ, Wu WX, Lu LQ, Chen BY, Chen SF*. 2023. Characterization of Pseudofusicoccum species from diseased plantation-grown Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus spp., and Pinus massoniana in southern China. Pathogens. 12(4): 574.

    Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Barnes I, Chen SF*. 2022. Calonectria in the age of genes and genomes: Towards understanding an important but relatively unknown group of pathogens. Molecular Plant Pathology. 23: 1060–1072.

    Liu QL, Wingfield MJ, Duong T, Wingfield B, Chen SF*. 2022. Diversity and distribution of Calonectria species from plantation and forest soils in FuJian Province, China. Journal of Fungi. 8(8): 811.

    Wang QC, Liu FF, Liu QL, Wu WX, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2022. Comparison of hyphal fragments and spores to evaluate the pathogenicity of the Eucalyptus leaf and shoot pathogen Calonectria pseudoreteaudii. Plant Disease. 106 (12): 3145–3153.

    Li GQ, Chen WP, Jie F, Chen SF*. 2022. Selection of tolerant Eucalyptus genotypes to Botryosphaeriaceae species in southern China. Journal of Plant Pathology. 104(2): 527–535.

    Liu LL, Chen SF*. 2022. Pathogenicity of six Calonectria species isolated from five soil layers in a Eucalyptus plantation. Journal of Phytopathology. 170(78): 445–452.

    Li JQ, Barnes I, Liu FF, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2021. Global genetic diversity and mating type distribution of Calonectria pauciramosa: an important wide host-range plant pathogen. Plant Disease. 105(6): 1648–1656

    Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2021. Species diversity, mating strategy, and pathogenicity of Calonectria species from diseased leaves and soils in the Eucalyptus plantation in southern China. Journal of Fungi. 7(2): 73.

    Liu FF, Dong TA, Barnes I, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*.   2021. Population diversity and genetic structure reveal patterns of   host association and anthropogenic impact for the globally important   fungal tree pathogen Ceratocystis manginecans. Journal of Fungi. 7(9): 759.

    Liu LL, Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2021. Species diversity and distribution characteristics of Calonectria in five soil layers in a Eucalyptus plantation. Journal of Fungi. 7(10): 857.

    Wang QC, Chen SF*. 2020. Calonectria pentaseptata causes severe leaf disease on cultivated Eucalyptus in Leizhou Peninsula of southern China. Plant Disease. 104(2): 493–509.

    Liu QL, Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Duong TA, Wingfield BD, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2020. Reconsideration of species boundaries and proposed DNA barcodes for Calonectria. Studies in Mycology. 97: 100106

    Wang W, Li GQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2020. Cryphonectriaceae on Myrtales in China: phylogeny, host range, and pathogenicity. Persoonia. 45: 101–131.

    Li JQ, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Barne I, Fourie A, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2020. Mating genes in Calonectria and evidence for a heterothallic ancestral state. Persoonia. 45: 163–176.

    Li GQ, Slippers B, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2020. Variation in Botryosphaeriaceae from Eucalyptus plantations in YunNan Province in southwestern China across a climatic gradient. IMA Fungus. 11: 22.

    Liu FF, Marincowitz S, Chen SF*, Mbenoun M, Tsopelas P, Soulioti N, Wingfield MJ. 2020. Novel species of Huntiella from naturally occurring forest trees in Greece and South Africa. MycoKeys. 69: 33–52.

    Roux J, Nkuekam GK, Marincowitz S, van der Merwe NA, Uchida J, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2020. Cryphonectriaceae associated with rust-infected Syzygium jambos in Hawaii. MycoKeys. 76: 49–79.

    Wang QC, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2019. Novel species of Calonectria isolated from soil near Eucalyptus plantations in southern China. Mycologia. 111(6): 1028–1040.

    Liu FF, Chen SF*,   Ferreira MA, Chang RL, Sayari M, Kanzi AM, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ,   Pizarro D, Crespo A, Divakar PK, de Beer ZW, DuongTA. 2019. Draft  genome  sequences of five Calonectria species from Eucalyptus plantations in China, Celoporthe dispersa, Sporothrix phasma and Alectoria sarmentosa. IMA Fungus. 10: 22.

    Chen SF*, Liu QL, Li GQ, Wingfield MJ, Roux J. 2018. A new genus of Cryphonectriaceae causes stem canker on Lagerstroemia speciosa in southern China. Plant Pathology. 67(1): 107–123.

    Liu FF, Barnes I, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2018. Molecular phylogenetics and microsatellite analysis reveal a new pathogenic Ceratocystis species in the Asian-Australian Clade. Plant Pathology. 67(5): 1097–1113

    Li GQ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2018. Botryosphaeriaceae from Eucalyptus plantations and adjacent plants in China. Persoonia. 40: 63–95.

    Wang W, Liu QL, Li GQ, Liu FF, Chen SF*. 2018. Phylogeny and pathogenicity of Celoporthe species from plantation Eucalyptus in Southern China. Plant Disease. 102(10): 1915–1927.

    Liu FF, Li GQ, Roux J, Barnes I, Wilson A, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2018. Nine novel species of Huntiella from southern China with three distinct mating strategies and variable levels of pathogenicity. Mycologia. 110(6): 1145–1171.

    Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Liu QL, Barnes I, Roux J, Lombard L, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2017. Calonectria species isolated from Eucalyptus plantations and nurseries in South China. IMA Fungus. 8: 259–286.

    Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2017. Two novel species of Calonectria isolated from soil in a natural forest in China. MycoKeys. 26: 25–60.

    Chen SF*, Li GQ, Liu QL, Li JQ, Liu FF. 2016. Characteristics of Lasiodiplodia theobromae from Rosa rugosa in South China. Crop Protection. 79: 51–55.

    Chen SF, van der Merwe NA, Wingfield MJ, Roux J*. 2016. Population structure of Holocryphia capensis (Cryphonectriaceae) from Metrosideros angustifoliaand its pathogenicity to Eucalyptus species. Australasian Plant Pathology. 45(2): 201–207.

    Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Li GQ, Liu FF. 2016. Corticimorbus sinomyrti gen. et sp. nov. (Cryphonectriaceae) pathogenic to native Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Myrtaceae) in South China. Plant Pathology. 65(8): 1254–1266.

    Li GQ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2016. Characterization of Botryosphaeria dothidea and Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae from English walnut in China. Journal of Phytopathology. 164(5): 348–353.

    Liu QL, Li GQ, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2016. Botrytis eucalypti, a novel species isolated from diseased Eucalyptus seedlings in South China. Mycological Progress. 15: 1057–1079.

    Chen SF*, Li GQ, Liu FF, Michailides TJ*. 2015. Novel species of Botryosphaeriaceae associated with shoot blight of pistachio. Mycologia. 107(4): 780–792.

    Li GQ, Arnold RJ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2015. Identification and pathogenicity of Lasiodiplodia species from Eucalyptus urophylla × grandis, Polyscias balfouriana and Bougainvillea spectabilis in southern China. Journal of Phytopathology. 163(11–12): 956–967.

    Liu FF, Mbenoun M, Barnes I, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Li GQ, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2015. New Ceratocystis species from Eucalyptus and Cunninghamia in South China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 107(6): 1451–1473.

    Lombard L, Chen SF*, Mou X, Zhou XD, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. 2015. New species, hyper-diversity and potential importance of Calonectria spp. from Eucalyptus in South China. Studies in Mycology. 80: 151–188.

    Chen SF, Morgon D, Hasey JK, Anderson K, Michailides TJ. 2014. Phylogeny, morphology, distribution, and pathogenicity of Botryosphaeriaceae and Diaporthaceae from English walnut in California. Plant Disease. 98(5): 636–652.

    Chen SF*, Morgon D, Michailides TJ. 2014. Botryosphaeriaceae and Diaporthaceae associated with panicle and shoot blight pistachio in California, USA. Fungal Diversity. 67: 157–179.

    Chen SF, Van Wyk M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2013. Taxonomy and pathogenicity of Ceratocystis species on Eucalyptus trees in South China, including C. chinaeucensis sp. nov. Fungal Diversity. 58: 267–279.

    Chen SF, Wingfield MJ, Roets F, Roux J. 2013. A serious canker caused by Immersiporthe knoxdaviesiana gen. et sp. nov. (Cryphonectriaceae) on native Rapanea melanophloeos in South Africa. Plant Pathology. 62(3): 667–678.

    Chen SF, Wingfield MJ, Roux J. 2013. Diversimorbus metrosiderotis gen. et sp. nov. and three new species of Holocryphia (Cryphonectriaceae) associated with cankers on native Metrosideros angustifolia trees in South Africa. Fungal Biology. 117(5): 289–310.

    Chen SF, Barnes I, Chungu D, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Xie YJ, Zhou XD. 2011. High population diversity and increasing importance of the Eucalyptus stem canker pathogen, Teratosphaeria zuluensis, in South China. Australasian Plant Pathology. 40(4): 407–415.

    Chen SF, Gryzenhout M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Novel species of Celoporthe from Eucalyptus and Syzygium trees in China and Indonesia. Mycologia. 103(6): 1384–1410.

    Chen SF, Lombard L, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Novel species of Calonectria associated with Eucalyptus leaf blight in Southeast China. Persoonia. 26: 1–12.

    Chen SF, Pavlic D, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Characterization of Botryosphaeriaceae from plantation-grown Eucalyptus species in South China. Plant Pathology. 60(4): 739–751.

    Chen SF, Gryzenhout M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2010. Identification and pathogenicity of Chrysoporthe cubensis on Eucalyptus and Syzygium spp. in South China. Plant Disease. 94(9): 1143–1150.

    (. 人工林为保障我国木材安全发挥重要作用。例如,桉树人工林占全国森林总面积的2.5%,提供了我国1/3的木材产量)


    (. 我国桉树人工林受多种病害的危害。例如,A. 桉树Calonectria叶焦枯病;B. 桉树Teratosphaeria叶枯病;C. 桉树Teratosphaeria斑点溃疡病)

    (. 引发我国桉树人工林重大病害的部分病原菌的微观形态和系统发生)






    荣誉、项目、人才计划:博士论文Fungal Diseases of Eucalypts in China(中国桉树真菌病害研究)获国际林联杰出博士研究奖;曾主持国家自然科学基金委优青等项目;入选国家万人计划青年拔尖人才、国家林草局科技创新领军人才。

    论文著作:在国内外学术期刊发表论文100余篇,其中以唯一第一作者或者独立通讯作者在Studies in MycologyPersooniaMolecular Plant PathologySCI期刊发表论文50余篇。



    Liu QL, Wingfield MJ, Duong TA, Wingfield BD, Chen SF*. 2024. Diversity of Calonectria species from leaves and soils in diseased Southern China Eucalyptus plantation. Fungal Biology. 128: 2007–2021.

    Chen BY, Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2024. Wide distribution of Teratosphaeria epicoccoides and T. destructans associated with diseased Eucalyptus leaves in plantations in southern China. Microorganisms. 12: 129.

    Liang XY, Wang QC, Chen SF*. 2023. Phylogeny, morphology, distribution, and pathogenicity of seven Calonectria species from leaf blighted Eucalyptus in HaiNan Island, China. Plant Disease. 107(9): 2579–2605.

    Wu WX, Li WW, Liu FF, Chen SF*. 2023. Evidences of high genetic diversity and differences in population diversity of the Eucalyptus leaf blight pathogen Calonectria pseudoreteaudii from diseased leaves and soil in a plantation in GuangXi, China. Microorganisms. 11: 2785.

    Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2023. Wide distribution and intraspecies diversity in the  pathogenicity  of Calonectria in soil from Eucalyptus plantations in  southern Guangxi  of China. Journal of Fungi. 9: 802.

    Liu Y, Chen SF*. 2023. Diversity and distribution of Calonectria species in soils from Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis, Pinus massoniana, and Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations in four provinces in southern China. Journal of Fungi. 9: 198.

    Li WW, Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Duong TD. 2023. Calonectria species associated with diseased leaves and soils in southern China Eucalyptus plantations. Phytopathology Research. 5: 29.

    Li WW, Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Duong T. 2023. Calonectria queenslandica: Causal agent of Eucalyptus leaf blight in Southern China. Plant Disease. 107(3): 730–742.

    Li GQ, Wu WX, Lu LQ, Chen BY, Chen SF*. 2023. Characterization of Pseudofusicoccum species from diseased plantation-grown Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus spp., and Pinus massoniana in southern China. Pathogens. 12(4): 574.

    Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Barnes I, Chen SF*. 2022. Calonectria in the age of genes and genomes: Towards understanding an important but relatively unknown group of pathogens. Molecular Plant Pathology. 23: 1060–1072.

    Liu QL, Wingfield MJ, Duong T, Wingfield B, Chen SF*. 2022. Diversity and distribution of Calonectria species from plantation and forest soils in FuJian Province, China. Journal of Fungi. 8(8): 811.

    Wang QC, Liu FF, Liu QL, Wu WX, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2022. Comparison of hyphal fragments and spores to evaluate the pathogenicity of the Eucalyptus leaf and shoot pathogen Calonectria pseudoreteaudii. Plant Disease. 106 (12): 3145–3153.

    Li GQ, Chen WP, Jie F, Chen SF*. 2022. Selection of tolerant Eucalyptus genotypes to Botryosphaeriaceae species in southern China. Journal of Plant Pathology. 104(2): 527–535.

    Liu LL, Chen SF*. 2022. Pathogenicity of six Calonectria species isolated from five soil layers in a Eucalyptus plantation. Journal of Phytopathology. 170(78): 445–452.

    Li JQ, Barnes I, Liu FF, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2021. Global genetic diversity and mating type distribution of Calonectria pauciramosa: an important wide host-range plant pathogen. Plant Disease. 105(6): 1648–1656

    Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2021. Species diversity, mating strategy, and pathogenicity of Calonectria species from diseased leaves and soils in the Eucalyptus plantation in southern China. Journal of Fungi. 7(2): 73.

    Liu FF, Dong TA, Barnes I, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*.    2021. Population diversity and genetic structure reveal patterns of    host association and anthropogenic impact for the globally important    fungal tree pathogen Ceratocystis manginecans. Journal of Fungi. 7(9): 759.

    Liu LL, Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2021. Species diversity and distribution characteristics of Calonectria in five soil layers in a Eucalyptus plantation. Journal of Fungi. 7(10): 857.

    Wang QC, Chen SF*. 2020. Calonectria pentaseptata causes severe leaf disease on cultivated Eucalyptus in Leizhou Peninsula of southern China. Plant Disease. 104(2): 493–509.

    Liu QL, Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Duong TA, Wingfield BD, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2020. Reconsideration of species boundaries and proposed DNA barcodes for Calonectria. Studies in Mycology. 97: 100106

    Wang W, Li GQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2020. Cryphonectriaceae on Myrtales in China: phylogeny, host range, and pathogenicity. Persoonia. 45: 101–131.

    Li JQ, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Barne I, Fourie A, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2020. Mating genes in Calonectria and evidence for a heterothallic ancestral state. Persoonia. 45: 163–176.

    Li GQ, Slippers B, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2020. Variation in Botryosphaeriaceae from Eucalyptus plantations in YunNan Province in southwestern China across a climatic gradient. IMA Fungus. 11: 22.

    Liu FF, Marincowitz S, Chen SF*, Mbenoun M, Tsopelas P, Soulioti N, Wingfield MJ. 2020. Novel species of Huntiella from naturally occurring forest trees in Greece and South Africa. MycoKeys. 69: 33–52.

    Roux J, Nkuekam GK, Marincowitz S, van der Merwe NA, Uchida J, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2020. Cryphonectriaceae associated with rust-infected Syzygium jambos in Hawaii. MycoKeys. 76: 49–79.

    Wang QC, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2019. Novel species of Calonectria isolated from soil near Eucalyptus plantations in southern China. Mycologia. 111(6): 1028–1040.

    Liu FF, Chen SF*,    Ferreira MA, Chang RL, Sayari M, Kanzi AM, Wingfield BD, Wingfield  MJ,   Pizarro D, Crespo A, Divakar PK, de Beer ZW, DuongTA. 2019. Draft   genome  sequences of five Calonectria species from Eucalyptus plantations in China, Celoporthe dispersa, Sporothrix phasma and Alectoria sarmentosa. IMA Fungus. 10: 22.

    Chen SF*, Liu QL, Li GQ, Wingfield MJ, Roux J. 2018. A new genus of Cryphonectriaceae causes stem canker on Lagerstroemia speciosa in southern China. Plant Pathology. 67(1): 107–123.

    Liu FF, Barnes I, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2018. Molecular phylogenetics and microsatellite analysis reveal a new pathogenic Ceratocystis species in the Asian-Australian Clade. Plant Pathology. 67(5): 1097–1113

    Li GQ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2018. Botryosphaeriaceae from Eucalyptus plantations and adjacent plants in China. Persoonia. 40: 63–95.

    Wang W, Liu QL, Li GQ, Liu FF, Chen SF*. 2018. Phylogeny and pathogenicity of Celoporthe species from plantation Eucalyptus in Southern China. Plant Disease. 102(10): 1915–1927.

    Liu FF, Li GQ, Roux J, Barnes I, Wilson A, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2018. Nine novel species of Huntiella from southern China with three distinct mating strategies and variable levels of pathogenicity. Mycologia. 110(6): 1145–1171.

    Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Liu QL, Barnes I, Roux J, Lombard L, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2017. Calonectria species isolated from Eucalyptus plantations and nurseries in South China. IMA Fungus. 8: 259–286.

    Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2017. Two novel species of Calonectria isolated from soil in a natural forest in China. MycoKeys. 26: 25–60.

    Chen SF*, Li GQ, Liu QL, Li JQ, Liu FF. 2016. Characteristics of Lasiodiplodia theobromae from Rosa rugosa in South China. Crop Protection. 79: 51–55.

    Chen SF, van der Merwe NA, Wingfield MJ, Roux J*. 2016. Population structure of Holocryphia capensis (Cryphonectriaceae) from Metrosideros angustifoliaand its pathogenicity to Eucalyptus species. Australasian Plant Pathology. 45(2): 201–207.

    Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Li GQ, Liu FF. 2016. Corticimorbus sinomyrti gen. et sp. nov. (Cryphonectriaceae) pathogenic to native Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Myrtaceae) in South China. Plant Pathology. 65(8): 1254–1266.

    Li GQ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2016. Characterization of Botryosphaeria dothidea and Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae from English walnut in China. Journal of Phytopathology. 164(5): 348–353.

    Liu QL, Li GQ, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2016. Botrytis eucalypti, a novel species isolated from diseased Eucalyptus seedlings in South China. Mycological Progress. 15: 1057–1079.

    Chen SF*, Li GQ, Liu FF, Michailides TJ*. 2015. Novel species of Botryosphaeriaceae associated with shoot blight of pistachio. Mycologia. 107(4): 780–792.

    Li GQ, Arnold RJ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2015. Identification and pathogenicity of Lasiodiplodia species from Eucalyptus urophylla × grandis, Polyscias balfouriana and Bougainvillea spectabilis in southern China. Journal of Phytopathology. 163(11–12): 956–967.

    Liu FF, Mbenoun M, Barnes I, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Li GQ, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2015. New Ceratocystis species from Eucalyptus and Cunninghamia in South China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 107(6): 1451–1473.

    Lombard L, Chen SF*, Mou X, Zhou XD, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. 2015. New species, hyper-diversity and potential importance of Calonectria spp. from Eucalyptus in South China. Studies in Mycology. 80: 151–188.

    Chen SF, Morgon D, Hasey JK, Anderson K, Michailides TJ. 2014. Phylogeny, morphology, distribution, and pathogenicity of Botryosphaeriaceae and Diaporthaceae from English walnut in California. Plant Disease. 98(5): 636–652.

    Chen SF*, Morgon D, Michailides TJ. 2014. Botryosphaeriaceae and Diaporthaceae associated with panicle and shoot blight pistachio in California, USA. Fungal Diversity. 67: 157–179.

    Chen SF, Van Wyk M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2013. Taxonomy and pathogenicity of Ceratocystis species on Eucalyptus trees in South China, including C. chinaeucensis sp. nov. Fungal Diversity. 58: 267–279.

    Chen SF, Wingfield MJ, Roets F, Roux J. 2013. A serious canker caused by Immersiporthe knoxdaviesiana gen. et sp. nov. (Cryphonectriaceae) on native Rapanea melanophloeos in South Africa. Plant Pathology. 62(3): 667–678.

    Chen SF, Wingfield MJ, Roux J. 2013. Diversimorbus metrosiderotis gen. et sp. nov. and three new species of Holocryphia (Cryphonectriaceae) associated with cankers on native Metrosideros angustifolia trees in South Africa. Fungal Biology. 117(5): 289–310.

    Chen SF, Barnes I, Chungu D, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Xie YJ, Zhou XD. 2011. High population diversity and increasing importance of the Eucalyptus stem canker pathogen, Teratosphaeria zuluensis, in South China. Australasian Plant Pathology. 40(4): 407–415.

    Chen SF, Gryzenhout M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Novel species of Celoporthe from Eucalyptus and Syzygium trees in China and Indonesia. Mycologia. 103(6): 1384–1410.

    Chen SF, Lombard L, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Novel species of Calonectria associated with Eucalyptus leaf blight in Southeast China. Persoonia. 26: 1–12.

    Chen SF, Pavlic D, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Characterization of Botryosphaeriaceae from plantation-grown Eucalyptus species in South China. Plant Pathology. 60(4): 739–751.

    Chen SF, Gryzenhout M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2010. Identification and pathogenicity of Chrysoporthe cubensis on Eucalyptus and Syzygium spp. in South China. Plant Disease. 94(9): 1143–1150.

    (. 人工林为保障我国木材安全发挥重要作用。例如,桉树人工林占全国森林总面积的2.5%,提供了我国1/3的木材产量)


    (. 我国桉树人工林受多种病害的危害。例如,A. 桉树Calonectria叶焦枯病;B. 桉树Teratosphaeria叶枯病;C. 桉树Teratosphaeria斑点溃疡病)

    (. 引发我国桉树人工林重大病害的部分病原菌的微观形态和系统发生)






    荣誉、项目、人才计划:博士论文Fungal Diseases of Eucalypts in China(中国桉树真菌病害研究)获国际林联杰出博士研究奖;曾主持国家自然科学基金委优青等项目;入选国家万人计划青年拔尖人才、国家林草局科技创新领军人才。

    论文著作:在国内外学术期刊发表论文100余篇,其中以唯一第一作者或者独立通讯作者在Studies in MycologyPersooniaMolecular Plant PathologySCI期刊发表论文50余篇。



    Liu QL, Wingfield MJ, Duong TA, Wingfield BD, Chen SF*. 2024. Diversity of Calonectria species from leaves and soils in diseased Southern China Eucalyptus plantation. Fungal Biology. 128: 2007–2021.

    Chen BY, Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2024. Wide distribution of Teratosphaeria epicoccoides and T. destructans associated with diseased Eucalyptus leaves in plantations in southern China. Microorganisms. 12: 129.

    Liang XY, Wang QC, Chen SF*. 2023. Phylogeny, morphology, distribution, and pathogenicity of seven Calonectria species from leaf blighted Eucalyptus in HaiNan Island, China. Plant Disease. 107(9): 2579–2605.

    Wu WX, Li WW, Liu FF, Chen SF*. 2023. Evidences of high genetic diversity and differences in population diversity of the Eucalyptus leaf blight pathogen Calonectria pseudoreteaudii from diseased leaves and soil in a plantation in GuangXi, China. Microorganisms. 11: 2785.

    Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2023. Wide distribution and intraspecies diversity in the  pathogenicity  of Calonectria in soil from Eucalyptus plantations in  southern Guangxi  of China. Journal of Fungi. 9: 802.

    Liu Y, Chen SF*. 2023. Diversity and distribution of Calonectria species in soils from Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis, Pinus massoniana, and Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations in four provinces in southern China. Journal of Fungi. 9: 198.

    Li WW, Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Duong TD. 2023. Calonectria species associated with diseased leaves and soils in southern China Eucalyptus plantations. Phytopathology Research. 5: 29.

    Li WW, Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Duong T. 2023. Calonectria queenslandica: Causal agent of Eucalyptus leaf blight in Southern China. Plant Disease. 107(3): 730–742.

    Li GQ, Wu WX, Lu LQ, Chen BY, Chen SF*. 2023. Characterization of Pseudofusicoccum species from diseased plantation-grown Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus spp., and Pinus massoniana in southern China. Pathogens. 12(4): 574.

    Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Barnes I, Chen SF*. 2022. Calonectria in the age of genes and genomes: Towards understanding an important but relatively unknown group of pathogens. Molecular Plant Pathology. 23: 1060–1072.

    Liu QL, Wingfield MJ, Duong T, Wingfield B, Chen SF*. 2022. Diversity and distribution of Calonectria species from plantation and forest soils in FuJian Province, China. Journal of Fungi. 8(8): 811.

    Wang QC, Liu FF, Liu QL, Wu WX, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2022. Comparison of hyphal fragments and spores to evaluate the pathogenicity of the Eucalyptus leaf and shoot pathogen Calonectria pseudoreteaudii. Plant Disease. 106 (12): 3145–3153.

    Li GQ, Chen WP, Jie F, Chen SF*. 2022. Selection of tolerant Eucalyptus genotypes to Botryosphaeriaceae species in southern China. Journal of Plant Pathology. 104(2): 527–535.

    Liu LL, Chen SF*. 2022. Pathogenicity of six Calonectria species isolated from five soil layers in a Eucalyptus plantation. Journal of Phytopathology. 170(78): 445–452.

    Li JQ, Barnes I, Liu FF, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2021. Global genetic diversity and mating type distribution of Calonectria pauciramosa: an important wide host-range plant pathogen. Plant Disease. 105(6): 1648–1656

    Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2021. Species diversity, mating strategy, and pathogenicity of Calonectria species from diseased leaves and soils in the Eucalyptus plantation in southern China. Journal of Fungi. 7(2): 73.

    Liu FF, Dong TA, Barnes I, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*.    2021. Population diversity and genetic structure reveal patterns of    host association and anthropogenic impact for the globally important    fungal tree pathogen Ceratocystis manginecans. Journal of Fungi. 7(9): 759.

    Liu LL, Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2021. Species diversity and distribution characteristics of Calonectria in five soil layers in a Eucalyptus plantation. Journal of Fungi. 7(10): 857.

    Wang QC, Chen SF*. 2020. Calonectria pentaseptata causes severe leaf disease on cultivated Eucalyptus in Leizhou Peninsula of southern China. Plant Disease. 104(2): 493–509.

    Liu QL, Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Duong TA, Wingfield BD, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2020. Reconsideration of species boundaries and proposed DNA barcodes for Calonectria. Studies in Mycology. 97: 100106

    Wang W, Li GQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2020. Cryphonectriaceae on Myrtales in China: phylogeny, host range, and pathogenicity. Persoonia. 45: 101–131.

    Li JQ, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Barne I, Fourie A, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2020. Mating genes in Calonectria and evidence for a heterothallic ancestral state. Persoonia. 45: 163–176.

    Li GQ, Slippers B, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2020. Variation in Botryosphaeriaceae from Eucalyptus plantations in YunNan Province in southwestern China across a climatic gradient. IMA Fungus. 11: 22.

    Liu FF, Marincowitz S, Chen SF*, Mbenoun M, Tsopelas P, Soulioti N, Wingfield MJ. 2020. Novel species of Huntiella from naturally occurring forest trees in Greece and South Africa. MycoKeys. 69: 33–52.

    Roux J, Nkuekam GK, Marincowitz S, van der Merwe NA, Uchida J, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2020. Cryphonectriaceae associated with rust-infected Syzygium jambos in Hawaii. MycoKeys. 76: 49–79.

    Wang QC, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2019. Novel species of Calonectria isolated from soil near Eucalyptus plantations in southern China. Mycologia. 111(6): 1028–1040.

    Liu FF, Chen SF*,    Ferreira MA, Chang RL, Sayari M, Kanzi AM, Wingfield BD, Wingfield  MJ,   Pizarro D, Crespo A, Divakar PK, de Beer ZW, DuongTA. 2019. Draft   genome  sequences of five Calonectria species from Eucalyptus plantations in China, Celoporthe dispersa, Sporothrix phasma and Alectoria sarmentosa. IMA Fungus. 10: 22.

    Chen SF*, Liu QL, Li GQ, Wingfield MJ, Roux J. 2018. A new genus of Cryphonectriaceae causes stem canker on Lagerstroemia speciosa in southern China. Plant Pathology. 67(1): 107–123.

    Liu FF, Barnes I, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2018. Molecular phylogenetics and microsatellite analysis reveal a new pathogenic Ceratocystis species in the Asian-Australian Clade. Plant Pathology. 67(5): 1097–1113

    Li GQ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2018. Botryosphaeriaceae from Eucalyptus plantations and adjacent plants in China. Persoonia. 40: 63–95.

    Wang W, Liu QL, Li GQ, Liu FF, Chen SF*. 2018. Phylogeny and pathogenicity of Celoporthe species from plantation Eucalyptus in Southern China. Plant Disease. 102(10): 1915–1927.

    Liu FF, Li GQ, Roux J, Barnes I, Wilson A, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2018. Nine novel species of Huntiella from southern China with three distinct mating strategies and variable levels of pathogenicity. Mycologia. 110(6): 1145–1171.

    Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Liu QL, Barnes I, Roux J, Lombard L, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2017. Calonectria species isolated from Eucalyptus plantations and nurseries in South China. IMA Fungus. 8: 259–286.

    Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2017. Two novel species of Calonectria isolated from soil in a natural forest in China. MycoKeys. 26: 25–60.

    Chen SF*, Li GQ, Liu QL, Li JQ, Liu FF. 2016. Characteristics of Lasiodiplodia theobromae from Rosa rugosa in South China. Crop Protection. 79: 51–55.

    Chen SF, van der Merwe NA, Wingfield MJ, Roux J*. 2016. Population structure of Holocryphia capensis (Cryphonectriaceae) from Metrosideros angustifoliaand its pathogenicity to Eucalyptus species. Australasian Plant Pathology. 45(2): 201–207.

    Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Li GQ, Liu FF. 2016. Corticimorbus sinomyrti gen. et sp. nov. (Cryphonectriaceae) pathogenic to native Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Myrtaceae) in South China. Plant Pathology. 65(8): 1254–1266.

    Li GQ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2016. Characterization of Botryosphaeria dothidea and Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae from English walnut in China. Journal of Phytopathology. 164(5): 348–353.

    Liu QL, Li GQ, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2016. Botrytis eucalypti, a novel species isolated from diseased Eucalyptus seedlings in South China. Mycological Progress. 15: 1057–1079.

    Chen SF*, Li GQ, Liu FF, Michailides TJ*. 2015. Novel species of Botryosphaeriaceae associated with shoot blight of pistachio. Mycologia. 107(4): 780–792.

    Li GQ, Arnold RJ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2015. Identification and pathogenicity of Lasiodiplodia species from Eucalyptus urophylla × grandis, Polyscias balfouriana and Bougainvillea spectabilis in southern China. Journal of Phytopathology. 163(11–12): 956–967.

    Liu FF, Mbenoun M, Barnes I, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Li GQ, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2015. New Ceratocystis species from Eucalyptus and Cunninghamia in South China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 107(6): 1451–1473.

    Lombard L, Chen SF*, Mou X, Zhou XD, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. 2015. New species, hyper-diversity and potential importance of Calonectria spp. from Eucalyptus in South China. Studies in Mycology. 80: 151–188.

    Chen SF, Morgon D, Hasey JK, Anderson K, Michailides TJ. 2014. Phylogeny, morphology, distribution, and pathogenicity of Botryosphaeriaceae and Diaporthaceae from English walnut in California. Plant Disease. 98(5): 636–652.

    Chen SF*, Morgon D, Michailides TJ. 2014. Botryosphaeriaceae and Diaporthaceae associated with panicle and shoot blight pistachio in California, USA. Fungal Diversity. 67: 157–179.

    Chen SF, Van Wyk M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2013. Taxonomy and pathogenicity of Ceratocystis species on Eucalyptus trees in South China, including C. chinaeucensis sp. nov. Fungal Diversity. 58: 267–279.

    Chen SF, Wingfield MJ, Roets F, Roux J. 2013. A serious canker caused by Immersiporthe knoxdaviesiana gen. et sp. nov. (Cryphonectriaceae) on native Rapanea melanophloeos in South Africa. Plant Pathology. 62(3): 667–678.

    Chen SF, Wingfield MJ, Roux J. 2013. Diversimorbus metrosiderotis gen. et sp. nov. and three new species of Holocryphia (Cryphonectriaceae) associated with cankers on native Metrosideros angustifolia trees in South Africa. Fungal Biology. 117(5): 289–310.

    Chen SF, Barnes I, Chungu D, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Xie YJ, Zhou XD. 2011. High population diversity and increasing importance of the Eucalyptus stem canker pathogen, Teratosphaeria zuluensis, in South China. Australasian Plant Pathology. 40(4): 407–415.

    Chen SF, Gryzenhout M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Novel species of Celoporthe from Eucalyptus and Syzygium trees in China and Indonesia. Mycologia. 103(6): 1384–1410.

    Chen SF, Lombard L, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Novel species of Calonectria associated with Eucalyptus leaf blight in Southeast China. Persoonia. 26: 1–12.

    Chen SF, Pavlic D, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Characterization of Botryosphaeriaceae from plantation-grown Eucalyptus species in South China. Plant Pathology. 60(4): 739–751.

    Chen SF, Gryzenhout M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2010. Identification and pathogenicity of Chrysoporthe cubensis on Eucalyptus and Syzygium spp. in South China. Plant Disease. 94(9): 1143–1150.

    (. 人工林为保障我国木材安全发挥重要作用。例如,桉树人工林占全国森林总面积的2.5%,提供了我国1/3的木材产量)


    (. 我国桉树人工林受多种病害的危害。例如,A. 桉树Calonectria叶焦枯病;B. 桉树Teratosphaeria叶枯病;C. 桉树Teratosphaeria斑点溃疡病)

    (. 引发我国桉树人工林重大病害的部分病原菌的微观形态和系统发生)




    [E54] Liu QL, Wingfield MJ, Duong TA, Wingfield BD, Chen SF*. 2024. Diversity of Calonectria species from leaves and soils in diseased Southern China Eucalyptus plantation. Fungal Biology. 128: 2007–2021.


    [E53] Chen BY, Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2024. Wide distribution of Teratosphaeria epicoccoides and T. destructans associated with diseased Eucalyptus leaves in plantations in southern China.Microorganisms. 12, 129.


    [E52] Wu WX, Li WW, Liu FF, Chen SF*. 2023. Evidences of high genetic diversity and differences in population diversity of the Eucalyptus leaf blight pathogen Calonectria pseudoreteaudii from diseased leaves and soil in a plantation in GuangXi, China. Microorganisms. 11, 2785.


    [E51] Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2023. Wide distribution and intraspecies diversity in the pathogenicity of Calonectria in soil from Eucalyptus plantations in southern Guangxi of China. Journal of Fungi. 9: 802.


    [E50] Liang XY, Wang QC, Chen SF*. 2023. Phylogeny, Morphology, Distribution, and Pathogenicity of Seven Calonectria Species from Leaf Blighted Eucalyptus in HaiNai Island, China. Plant Disease. 107(9): 2579–2605.


    [E49] Li WW, Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Duong TD. 2023. Calonectria species associated with diseased leaves and soils in southern China Eucalyptus plantations. Phytopathology Research. 5: 29.


    [E48] Liu Y, Chen SF*. 2023. Diversity and Distribution of Calonectria Species in Soils from Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis, Pinus massoniana, and Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantations in Four Provinces in Southern China. Journal of Fungi. 9(2): 198.


    [E47] Li GQ, Wu WX, Lu LQ, Chen BY, Chen SF*. 2023. Characterization of Pseudofusicoccum Species from Diseased Plantation-Grown Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus spp., and Pinus massoniana in southern China. Pathogens. 12(4): 574.


    [E46] Li WW, Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Duong T. 2023. Calonectria queenslandica: Causal agent of Eucalyptus leaf blight in Southern China. Plant Disease. 107(3): 730–742.


    [E45] Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Barnes I, Chen SF*. 2022. Calonectria in the age of genes and genomes: Towards understanding an important but relatively unknown group of pathogens. Molecular Plant Pathology. 23: 1060–1072.


    [E44] Liu QL, Wingfield MJ, Duong T, Wingfield B, Chen SF*. 2022. Diversity and distribution of Calonectria species from plantation and forest soils in FuJian Province, China. Journal of Fungi. 8(8): 811.


    [E43] Wang QC, Liu FF, Liu QL, Wu WX, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2022. Comparison of Hyphal Fragments and Spores to Evaluate the Pathogenicity of the Eucalyptus Leaf and Shoot Pathogen Calonectria pseudoreteaudii. Plant Disease. 106(12): 3145–3153.


    [E42] Li GQ, Chen WP, Jie F, Chen SF*. 2022. Selection of tolerant Eucalyptus genotypes to Botryosphaeriaceae species in southern China. Journal of Plant Pathology. 104(2): 527–535.


    [E41] Liu LL, Chen SF*. 2022. Pathogenicity of six Calonectria species isolated from five soil layers in a Eucalyptus plantation. Journal of Phytopathology. 170(7-8): 445–452.


    [E40] Li JQ, Barnes I, Liu FF, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2021. Global genetic diversity and mating type distribution of Calonectria pauciramosa: an important wide host-range plant pathogen. Plant Disease. 105 (6): 1648–1656


    [E39] Wu WW, Chen SF*. 2021. Species diversity, mating strategy, and pathogenicity of Calonectria species from diseased leaves and soils in the Eucalyptus plantation in southern China. Journal of Fungi. 7(2): 73.


    [E38] Liu FF, Dong TA, Barnes I, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2021. Population diversity and genetic structure reveal patterns of host association and anthropogenic impact for the globally important fungal tree pathogen Ceratocystis manginecans. Journal of Fungi. 7(9): 759.


    [E37] Liu LL, Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2021. Species diversity and distribution characteristics of Calonectria in five soil layers in a Eucalyptus plantation. Journal of Fungi. 7(10): 857.


    [E36] Wang QC, Chen SF*. 2020. Calonectria pentaseptata causes severe leaf disease on cultivated Eucalyptus in Leizhou Peninsula of southern China. Plant Disease. 104 (2): 493–509.


    [E35] Liu QL, Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Duong TA, Wingfield BD, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2020. Reconsideration of species boundaries and proposed DNA barcodes for Calonectria. Studies in Mycology. 97: 100106


    [E34] Wang W, Li GQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2020. Cryphonectriaceae on Myrtales in China: phylogeny, host range, and pathogenicity. Persoonia. 45: 101–131.


    [E33] Li JQ, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Barne I, Fourie A, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2020. Mating genes in Calonectria and evidence for a heterothallic ancestral state. Persoonia. 45: 163–176.


    [E32] Li GQ, Slippers B, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*.2020. Variation in Botryosphaeriaceae from Eucalyptus plantations in YunNan Province in southwestern China across a climatic gradient. IMA Fungus. 11: 22.


    [E31] Liu FF, Marincowitz S, Chen SF*, Mbenoun M, Tsopelas P, Soulioti N, Wingfield MJ. 2020. Novel species of Huntiella from naturally occurring forest trees in Greece and South Africa. MycoKeys. 69: 33–52.


    [E30] Roux J, Nkuekam GK, Marincowitz S, van der Merwe NA, Uchida J, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2020. Cryphonectriaceae associated with rust-infected Syzygium jambos in Hawaii. MycoKeys. 76: 49–79.


    [E29] Wang QC, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2019. Novel species of Calonectria isolated from soil near Eucalyptus plantations in southern China. Mycologia. 111 (6): 1028–1040.


    [E28] Liu FF, Chen SF*, Ferreira MA, Chang RL, Sayari M, Kanzi AM, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Pizarro D, Crespo A, Divakar PK, de Beer ZW, DuongTA. 2019. Draft genome sequences of five Calonectria species from Eucalyptus plantations in China, Celoporthe dispersa, Sporothrix phasma and Alectoria sarmentosa. IMA Fungus. 10: 22.


    [E27] Chen SF*, Liu QL, Li GQ, Wingfield MJ, Roux J. 2018. A new genus of Cryphonectriaceae causes stem canker on Lagerstroemia speciosa in southern China. Plant Pathology. 67(1): 107–123.


    [E26] Liu FF, Barnes I, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2018. Molecular phylogenetics and microsatellite analysis reveal a new pathogenic Ceratocystis species in the Asian-Australian Clade. Plant Pathology. 67(5): 1097–1113


    [E25] Li GQ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2018. Botryosphaeriaceae from Eucalyptus plantations and adjacent plants in China. Persoonia. 40: 63–95.


    [E24] Wang W, Liu QL, Li GQ, Liu FF, Chen SF*. 2018. Phylogeny and pathogenicity of Celoporthe species from plantation Eucalyptus in Southern China. Plant Disease. 102(10): 1915–1927.


    [E23] Liu FF, Li GQ, Roux J, Barnes I, Wilson A, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2018. Nine novel species of Huntiella from southern China with three distinct mating strategies and variable levels of pathogenicity. Mycologia. 110 (6): 1145–1171.


    [E22] Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Liu QL, Barnes I, Roux J, Lombard L, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2017. Calonectria species isolated from Eucalyptus plantations and nurseries in South China. IMA Fungus. 8: 259–286.


    [E21] Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2017. Two novel species of Calonectria isolated from soil in a natural forest in China. MycoKeys. 26: 25–60.


    [E20]Chen SF, Liu QL, Li GQ, Wingfield MJ*. Quambalaria species associated with eucalypt diseases in southern China. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering. 2017, 4(4): 433–447


    [E19] Chen SF*, Li GQ, Liu QL, Li JQ, Liu FF. 2016. Characteristics of Lasiodiplodia theobromae from Rosa rugosa in South China. Crop Protection. 79: 51–55.


    [E18] Chen SF, van der Merwe NA, Wingfield MJ, Roux J*. 2016. Population structure of Holocryphia capensis (cryphonectriaceae) from Metrosideros angustifoliaand its pathogenicity to Eucalyptus species. Australasian Plant Pathology. 45(2): 201–207.


    [E17] Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Li GQ, Liu FF. 2016. Corticimorbus sinomyrti gen. et sp. nov. (Cryphonectriaceae) pathogenic to native Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Myrtaceae) in South China. Plant Pathology. 65(8): 1254–1266.


    [E16] Li GQ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2016. Characterization of Botryosphaeria dothidea and Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae from English walnut in China. Journal of Phytopathology. 164(5): 348–353.


    [E15] Liu QL, Li GQ, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2016. Botrytis eucalypti, a novel species isolated from diseased Eucalyptus seedlings in South China. Mycological Progress. 15: 1057–1079.


    [E14] Chen SF*, Li GQ, Liu FF, Michailides TJ*. 2015. Novel species of Botryosphaeriaceae associated with shoot blight of pistachio. Mycologia. 107(4): 780–792.


    [E13] Li GQ, Arnold RJ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2015. Identification and pathogenicity of Lasiodiplodia species from Eucalyptus urophylla × grandis, Polyscias balfouriana and Bougainvillea spectabilis in southern China. Journal of Phytopathology. 163(11–12): 956–967.


    [E12] Liu FF, Mbenoun M, Barnes I, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Li GQ, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2015. New Ceratocystis species from Eucalyptus and Cunninghamia in South China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 107(6): 1451–1473.


    [E11] Lombard L, Chen SF*, Mou X, Zhou XD, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. 2015. New species, hyper-diversity and potential importance of Calonectria spp. from Eucalyptus in South China. Studies in Mycology. 80: 151–188.


    [E10] Chen SF, Morgon D, Hasey JK, Anderson K, Michailides TJ. 2014. Phylogeny, morphology, distribution, and pathogenicity of Botryosphaeriaceae and Diaporthaceae from English walnut in California. Plant Disease. 98(5): 636–652.


    [E9] Chen SF*, Morgon D, Michailides TJ. 2014. Botryosphaeriaceae and Diaporthaceae associated with panicle and shoot blight pistachio in California, USA. Fungal Diversity. 67: 157–179.


    [E8] Chen SF, Van Wyk M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2013. Taxonomy and pathogenicity of Ceratocystis species on Eucalyptus trees in South China, including C. chinaeucensis sp. nov. Fungal Diversity. 58: 267–279.


    [E7] Chen SF, Wingfield MJ, Roets F, Roux J. 2013. A serious canker caused by Immersiporthe knoxdaviesiana gen. et sp. nov. (Cryphonectriaceae) on native Rapanea melanophloeos in South Africa. Plant Pathology. 62(3): 667–678.


    [E6] Chen SF, Wingfield MJ, Roux J. 2013. Diversimorbus metrosiderotis gen. et sp. nov. and three new species of Holocryphia (Cryphonectriaceae) associated with cankers on native Metrosideros angustifolia trees in South Africa. Fungal Biology. 117(5): 289–310.


    [E5] Chen SF, Barnes I, Chungu D, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Xie YJ, Zhou XD. 2011. High population diversity and increasing importance of the Eucalyptus stem canker pathogen, Teratosphaeria zuluensis, in South China. Australasian Plant Pathology. 40(4): 407–415.


    [E4] Chen SF, Gryzenhout M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Novel species of Celoporthe from Eucalyptus and Syzygium trees in China and Indonesia. Mycologia. 103(6): 1384–1410.


    [E3] Chen SF, Lombard L, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Novel species of Calonectria associated with Eucalyptus leaf blight in Southeast China. Persoonia. 26: 1–12.


    [E2] Chen SF, Pavlic D, Roux J, Slippers B, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Characterization of Botryosphaeriaceae from plantation-grown Eucalyptus species in South China. Plant Pathology. 60(4): 739–751.


    [E1]Chen SF, Gryzenhout M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2010. Identification and Pathogenicity of Chrysoporthe cubensis on Eucalyptus and Syzygium spp. in South China. Plant Disease. 94(9): 1143–1150.






    荣誉、项目、人才计划:博士论文Fungal Diseases of Eucalypts in China(中国桉树真菌病害研究)获国际林联杰出博士研究奖;曾主持国家自然科学基金委优青等项目;入选国家万人计划青年拔尖人才、国家林草局科技创新领军人才。

    论文著作:在国内外学术期刊发表论文100余篇,其中以唯一第一作者或者独立通讯作者在Studies in MycologyPersooniaMolecular Plant PathologySCI期刊发表论文50余篇。



    Liu QL, Wingfield MJ, Duong TA, Wingfield BD, Chen SF*. 2024. Diversity of Calonectria species from leaves and soils in diseased Southern China Eucalyptus plantation. Fungal Biology. 128: 2007–2021.

    Chen BY, Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2024. Wide distribution of Teratosphaeria epicoccoides and T. destructans associated with diseased Eucalyptus leaves in plantations in southern China. Microorganisms. 12: 129.

    Liang XY, Wang QC, Chen SF*. 2023. Phylogeny, morphology, distribution, and pathogenicity of seven Calonectria species from leaf blighted Eucalyptus in HaiNan Island, China. Plant Disease. 107(9): 2579–2605.

    Wu WX, Li WW, Liu FF, Chen SF*. 2023. Evidences of high genetic diversity and differences in population diversity of the Eucalyptus leaf blight pathogen Calonectria pseudoreteaudii from diseased leaves and soil in a plantation in GuangXi, China. Microorganisms. 11: 2785.

    Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2023. Wide distribution and intraspecies diversity in the  pathogenicity  of Calonectria in soil from Eucalyptus plantations in  southern Guangxi  of China. Journal of Fungi. 9: 802.

    Liu Y, Chen SF*. 2023. Diversity and distribution of Calonectria species in soils from Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis, Pinus massoniana, and Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations in four provinces in southern China. Journal of Fungi. 9: 198.

    Li WW, Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Duong TD. 2023. Calonectria species associated with diseased leaves and soils in southern China Eucalyptus plantations. Phytopathology Research. 5: 29.

    Li WW, Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Duong T. 2023. Calonectria queenslandica: Causal agent of Eucalyptus leaf blight in Southern China. Plant Disease. 107(3): 730–742.

    Li GQ, Wu WX, Lu LQ, Chen BY, Chen SF*. 2023. Characterization of Pseudofusicoccum species from diseased plantation-grown Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus spp., and Pinus massoniana in southern China. Pathogens. 12(4): 574.

    Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Barnes I, Chen SF*. 2022. Calonectria in the age of genes and genomes: Towards understanding an important but relatively unknown group of pathogens. Molecular Plant Pathology. 23: 1060–1072.

    Liu QL, Wingfield MJ, Duong T, Wingfield B, Chen SF*. 2022. Diversity and distribution of Calonectria species from plantation and forest soils in FuJian Province, China. Journal of Fungi. 8(8): 811.

    Wang QC, Liu FF, Liu QL, Wu WX, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2022. Comparison of hyphal fragments and spores to evaluate the pathogenicity of the Eucalyptus leaf and shoot pathogen Calonectria pseudoreteaudii. Plant Disease. 106 (12): 3145–3153.

    Li GQ, Chen WP, Jie F, Chen SF*. 2022. Selection of tolerant Eucalyptus genotypes to Botryosphaeriaceae species in southern China. Journal of Plant Pathology. 104(2): 527–535.

    Liu LL, Chen SF*. 2022. Pathogenicity of six Calonectria species isolated from five soil layers in a Eucalyptus plantation. Journal of Phytopathology. 170(78): 445–452.

    Li JQ, Barnes I, Liu FF, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2021. Global genetic diversity and mating type distribution of Calonectria pauciramosa: an important wide host-range plant pathogen. Plant Disease. 105(6): 1648–1656

    Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2021. Species diversity, mating strategy, and pathogenicity of Calonectria species from diseased leaves and soils in the Eucalyptus plantation in southern China. Journal of Fungi. 7(2): 73.

    Liu FF, Dong TA, Barnes I, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*.    2021. Population diversity and genetic structure reveal patterns of    host association and anthropogenic impact for the globally important    fungal tree pathogen Ceratocystis manginecans. Journal of Fungi. 7(9): 759.

    Liu LL, Wu WX, Chen SF*. 2021. Species diversity and distribution characteristics of Calonectria in five soil layers in a Eucalyptus plantation. Journal of Fungi. 7(10): 857.

    Wang QC, Chen SF*. 2020. Calonectria pentaseptata causes severe leaf disease on cultivated Eucalyptus in Leizhou Peninsula of southern China. Plant Disease. 104(2): 493–509.

    Liu QL, Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Duong TA, Wingfield BD, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2020. Reconsideration of species boundaries and proposed DNA barcodes for Calonectria. Studies in Mycology. 97: 100106

    Wang W, Li GQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2020. Cryphonectriaceae on Myrtales in China: phylogeny, host range, and pathogenicity. Persoonia. 45: 101–131.

    Li JQ, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Barne I, Fourie A, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2020. Mating genes in Calonectria and evidence for a heterothallic ancestral state. Persoonia. 45: 163–176.

    Li GQ, Slippers B, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2020. Variation in Botryosphaeriaceae from Eucalyptus plantations in YunNan Province in southwestern China across a climatic gradient. IMA Fungus. 11: 22.

    Liu FF, Marincowitz S, Chen SF*, Mbenoun M, Tsopelas P, Soulioti N, Wingfield MJ. 2020. Novel species of Huntiella from naturally occurring forest trees in Greece and South Africa. MycoKeys. 69: 33–52.

    Roux J, Nkuekam GK, Marincowitz S, van der Merwe NA, Uchida J, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2020. Cryphonectriaceae associated with rust-infected Syzygium jambos in Hawaii. MycoKeys. 76: 49–79.

    Wang QC, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2019. Novel species of Calonectria isolated from soil near Eucalyptus plantations in southern China. Mycologia. 111(6): 1028–1040.

    Liu FF, Chen SF*,    Ferreira MA, Chang RL, Sayari M, Kanzi AM, Wingfield BD, Wingfield  MJ,   Pizarro D, Crespo A, Divakar PK, de Beer ZW, DuongTA. 2019. Draft   genome  sequences of five Calonectria species from Eucalyptus plantations in China, Celoporthe dispersa, Sporothrix phasma and Alectoria sarmentosa. IMA Fungus. 10: 22.

    Chen SF*, Liu QL, Li GQ, Wingfield MJ, Roux J. 2018. A new genus of Cryphonectriaceae causes stem canker on Lagerstroemia speciosa in southern China. Plant Pathology. 67(1): 107–123.

    Liu FF, Barnes I, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2018. Molecular phylogenetics and microsatellite analysis reveal a new pathogenic Ceratocystis species in the Asian-Australian Clade. Plant Pathology. 67(5): 1097–1113

    Li GQ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2018. Botryosphaeriaceae from Eucalyptus plantations and adjacent plants in China. Persoonia. 40: 63–95.

    Wang W, Liu QL, Li GQ, Liu FF, Chen SF*. 2018. Phylogeny and pathogenicity of Celoporthe species from plantation Eucalyptus in Southern China. Plant Disease. 102(10): 1915–1927.

    Liu FF, Li GQ, Roux J, Barnes I, Wilson A, Wingfield MJ, Chen SF*. 2018. Nine novel species of Huntiella from southern China with three distinct mating strategies and variable levels of pathogenicity. Mycologia. 110(6): 1145–1171.

    Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Liu QL, Barnes I, Roux J, Lombard L, Crous PW, Chen SF*. 2017. Calonectria species isolated from Eucalyptus plantations and nurseries in South China. IMA Fungus. 8: 259–286.

    Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2017. Two novel species of Calonectria isolated from soil in a natural forest in China. MycoKeys. 26: 25–60.

    Chen SF*, Li GQ, Liu QL, Li JQ, Liu FF. 2016. Characteristics of Lasiodiplodia theobromae from Rosa rugosa in South China. Crop Protection. 79: 51–55.

    Chen SF, van der Merwe NA, Wingfield MJ, Roux J*. 2016. Population structure of Holocryphia capensis (Cryphonectriaceae) from Metrosideros angustifoliaand its pathogenicity to Eucalyptus species. Australasian Plant Pathology. 45(2): 201–207.

    Chen SF*, Wingfield MJ, Li GQ, Liu FF. 2016. Corticimorbus sinomyrti gen. et sp. nov. (Cryphonectriaceae) pathogenic to native Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Myrtaceae) in South China. Plant Pathology. 65(8): 1254–1266.

    Li GQ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Liu QL, Chen SF*. 2016. Characterization of Botryosphaeria dothidea and Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae from English walnut in China. Journal of Phytopathology. 164(5): 348–353.

    Liu QL, Li GQ, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2016. Botrytis eucalypti, a novel species isolated from diseased Eucalyptus seedlings in South China. Mycological Progress. 15: 1057–1079.

    Chen SF*, Li GQ, Liu FF, Michailides TJ*. 2015. Novel species of Botryosphaeriaceae associated with shoot blight of pistachio. Mycologia. 107(4): 780–792.

    Li GQ, Arnold RJ, Liu FF, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2015. Identification and pathogenicity of Lasiodiplodia species from Eucalyptus urophylla × grandis, Polyscias balfouriana and Bougainvillea spectabilis in southern China. Journal of Phytopathology. 163(11–12): 956–967.

    Liu FF, Mbenoun M, Barnes I, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Li GQ, Li JQ, Chen SF*. 2015. New Ceratocystis species from Eucalyptus and Cunninghamia in South China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 107(6): 1451–1473.

    Lombard L, Chen SF*, Mou X, Zhou XD, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. 2015. New species, hyper-diversity and potential importance of Calonectria spp. from Eucalyptus in South China. Studies in Mycology. 80: 151–188.

    Chen SF, Morgon D, Hasey JK, Anderson K, Michailides TJ. 2014. Phylogeny, morphology, distribution, and pathogenicity of Botryosphaeriaceae and Diaporthaceae from English walnut in California. Plant Disease. 98(5): 636–652.

    Chen SF*, Morgon D, Michailides TJ. 2014. Botryosphaeriaceae and Diaporthaceae associated with panicle and shoot blight pistachio in California, USA. Fungal Diversity. 67: 157–179.

    Chen SF, Van Wyk M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2013. Taxonomy and pathogenicity of Ceratocystis species on Eucalyptus trees in South China, including C. chinaeucensis sp. nov. Fungal Diversity. 58: 267–279.

    Chen SF, Wingfield MJ, Roets F, Roux J. 2013. A serious canker caused by Immersiporthe knoxdaviesiana gen. et sp. nov. (Cryphonectriaceae) on native Rapanea melanophloeos in South Africa. Plant Pathology. 62(3): 667–678.

    Chen SF, Wingfield MJ, Roux J. 2013. Diversimorbus metrosiderotis gen. et sp. nov. and three new species of Holocryphia (Cryphonectriaceae) associated with cankers on native Metrosideros angustifolia trees in South Africa. Fungal Biology. 117(5): 289–310.

    Chen SF, Barnes I, Chungu D, Roux J, Wingfield MJ, Xie YJ, Zhou XD. 2011. High population diversity and increasing importance of the Eucalyptus stem canker pathogen, Teratosphaeria zuluensis, in South China. Australasian Plant Pathology. 40(4): 407–415.

    Chen SF, Gryzenhout M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Novel species of Celoporthe from Eucalyptus and Syzygium trees in China and Indonesia. Mycologia. 103(6): 1384–1410.

    Chen SF, Lombard L, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Novel species of Calonectria associated with Eucalyptus leaf blight in Southeast China. Persoonia. 26: 1–12.

    Chen SF, Pavlic D, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2011. Characterization of Botryosphaeriaceae from plantation-grown Eucalyptus species in South China. Plant Pathology. 60(4): 739–751.

    Chen SF, Gryzenhout M, Roux J, Xie YJ, Wingfield MJ, Zhou XD. 2010. Identification and pathogenicity of Chrysoporthe cubensis on Eucalyptus and Syzygium spp. in South China. Plant Disease. 94(9): 1143–1150.

    (. 人工林为保障我国木材安全发挥重要作用。例如,桉树人工林占全国森林总面积的2.5%,提供了我国1/3的木材产量)


    (. 我国桉树人工林受多种病害的危害。例如,A. 桉树Calonectria叶焦枯病;B. 桉树Teratosphaeria叶枯病;C. 桉树Teratosphaeria斑点溃疡病)

    (. 引发我国桉树人工林重大病害的部分病原菌的微观形态和系统发生)