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  •   现为福建农林大学生命科学学院教授,博士生导师,国家级青年人才,闽江学者特聘教授,入选福建省第六批百人计划,福建省高校领军人才。厦门大学博士,曾在美国马里兰大学和俄勒冈州立大学从事研究工作,2016年作为高层次人才引进福建农林大学。课题组长期从事海洋微生物生态研究,以具有重大生态意义的海洋优势细菌和噬菌体为研究对象,开展微生物基因组学和比较基因组学研究,微生物生理生态研究以及多组学技术分析细菌-噬菌体的相互作用。多项研究成果在NatureEnvironment MicrobiologyThe ISMEJmSystemsApplied and Environment Microbiology等国际知名期刊上发表。

    • 2004/09-2010/09      厦门大学          博士

    • 2000/09-2004/07      福州大学          学士

    • 2023/09-至今                         福建农林大学菌草与生态学院              教授

    • 2017/01-2023/08                     福建农林大学生命科学学院              教授

    • 2016/3-2016/12                      福建农林大学生命科学学院              讲师

    • 2010/01-2015/04                     俄勒冈州立大学                         博士后研究员

    • 2006/11-2008/12                     马里兰大学                                    访问学者

  • 研究领域









    Qin F, Du S, Zhang ZF; Ying HQ, Wu Y, Zhao GY, Yang MY, Zhao YL*. Newly identified HMO-2011-type phages reveal genomic diversity and biogeographic distributions of this marine viral group, The ISME Journal, 2022.

    Zhai ZZ, Zhang ZF, Zhao GY, Liu XX, Qin F, and Zhao YL*. Genomic Characterization of Two Novel RCA Phages Reveals New Insights into the Diversity and Evolution of Marine Viruses. Microbiology Spectrum. 2021.

    Du S, Qin F, Zhang ZF, Tian Z, Yang MY, Liu XX, Zhao GY, Qian Xia, Zhao YL*.  Genomic diversity, life strategies and ecology of marine HTVC010P-type pelagiphages, Microbial Genomics, 2021.

    Yang M, Xia Q, Du S, Zhang ZF, Qin F and Zhao YL*. Genomic Characterization and Distribution Pattern of a Novel Marine OM43 Phage. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12.

    Zhang ZF, Qin F, Chen F, Chu X, Luo HW, Zhang R, Du S, Tian Z and Zhao YL*. Culturing novel and abundant pelagiphages in the ocean. 2021. Environmental Microbiology.

    Zhang ZF, Chen F, Chu X, Zhang H, Luo HW, Zhai ZQ, Yang MY and Zhao YL*Diverse, abundant and novel viruses infecting the marine Roseobacter RCA lineage. mSystems, 2019, 4(6): e00494-19.

    Chen LX, Zhao YL, McMahon K, Mori J, Jessen G, Nelson T, Lesley WarrenL and Banfield J.Wide distribution of phage that infect freshwater SAR11 bacteria. mSystems, 2019, 4(5): e00410-19

    Zhao YL*, Qin F, Zhang, R, Giovannoni, SJ*, Zhang, ZF, Sun, Jing, Du S, Rensing, C.Pelagiphages in the Podoviridae family integrate into host genomes. Environmental Microbiology*, 2019, 21(6), 1989–2001.

    White, AE, Giovannoni, SJ, Zhao, YL, Vergin, K, and Carlson, CA. Elemental content and stoichiometry of SAR11 chemoheterotrophic marine bacteria. Limnol. and Oceanogr. Letts, 2019, 4(2), 44–51.

    Halsey, KH, Giovannoni, SJ, Graus M, Zhao YL, Landry, Z, Thrash, JC, and de Gouw, J. Biological cycling of volatile organic carbon by phytoplankton and bacterioplankton. Limnol. and Oceangr. 2017, 62(6), 2650-2661.

    Carini P, Van Mooy BA, Thrash JC, White AE, Zhao YL, Campbell EO, Fredricks HF and Giovannoni SJ. SAR11 lipid renovation in response to phosphate starvation. 2015, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 112(25):7767-72.

    Giovannoni SJ, Temperton B, Zhao YL.SAR11 viruses and defensive host strains Giovannoni et al. reply. Nature, 2013, 499: E4–E5.

    Zhao YL, Temperton B, Thrash JC, Schwalbach MS, Vergin KL, Landry ZC, Ellisman M, Deerinck T, Sullivan MB and Giovannoni SJ. Abundant SAR11 viruses in the ocean. Nature, 2013, 494(7437): 357-360.

    Zhao YL, Wang K, Ackermann HW, Halden RU, Jiao NZ, Chen F. Searching for a hidden prophage in a marine bacterium. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2010, 76:589-595.

    Zhao YL, Wang K, Jiao NZ and Chen F. Genome sequences of two novel phages infecting marine roseobacters. Environmental Microbiology, 2009, 11(8): 2055-2064.

    Zhao YL, Wang K, Budinoff C, Buchan A, Lang A, Jiao NZ and Chen F. Gene Transfer Agent (GTA) genes reveal diverse and dynamic Roseobacter and Rhodobacter populations in the Chesapeake Bay. The ISME J, 2009, 3: 364–373.

    Jiao NZ, Zhao YL, Luo TW and Wang X. Natural and anthropogenic forcing on the dynamics of virioplankton in the Yangtze River estuary. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc.UK. 2006, 86: 5434–550.
