卓孝康 讲师(高校)园艺学院 |
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卓孝康,男,福建霞浦人,讲师,福建省C类引进人才(境外)。2019年6月毕业于北京林业大学园林植物与观赏园艺专业,获 个人信息
教育经历工作经历Ø 2023/3-至今 福建农林大学 园艺学院 教师(科研教学型) 研究方向:(1)园艺植物基因组学与分子设计育种 (2)园艺植物种质资源与遗传育种 Ø 2019/9-2023/1 佛罗里达大学柑橘研究与教育中心 农业与园艺植物育种专业 博士后研究员 研究方向:(1)柑橘黄龙病耐/抗病性状QTL定位和主效基因挖掘 (2) lncRNA响应柑橘黄龙病的转录调控机制 荣誉及奖励Ø 2019 获北京林业大学“优秀博士论文” Ø 2018-2019 获中国观赏园艺学术研讨会“优秀口头汇报奖”、“优秀Poster奖” Ø 2022 获Poster & Pastries Research Symposium (UF/IFAS) 博后组poster竞赛三等奖 教学活动主要承担课程 本科生课程:《普通遗传学》、《园艺学实验Ⅱ》、《园艺植物育种学各论》和《观赏植物育种学》 研究领域1.园艺植物基因组学与分子设计育种 2.园艺植物种质资源与遗传育种 3.观赏植物种质创新 开授课程主要承担课程 本科生课程:《普通遗传学》、《园艺学实验Ⅱ》、《园艺植物育种学各论》和《观赏植物育种学》 科研项目Ø 国家重点研发计划子课题“蝴蝶兰、兜兰、文心兰和石斛种质创新与利用关键技术”,参与 参与内容:病虫害检测与防治技术。 Ø 柑橘研究与发展基金会(CRDF)项目、美国农业部国家粮食和农业研究所(USDA-NIFA)柑橘紧急病害研究和推广计划项目,参与 参与内容:实验设计、执行及数据分析,撰写高水平研究论文2-3篇。 Ø 国家自然科学基金(面上) 《梅花垂枝性状的关联分析及遗传机理解析》,参与 参与内容:课题撰写、设计及数据分析,撰写高水平研究论文2篇,授权国家发明专利3项,国际发明专利1项。 Ø 国家自然科学基金(青年) 《细胞周期蛋白PmCYCD3调控梅花曲枝性状形成机制研究》,参与 参与内容:数据分析及文献资料收集。 Ø “十二五”国家863计划项目 《梅花功能基因组学研究》,参与 参与内容:生物信息学分析及相关文章撰写。 Ø 林业公益性行业科研专项 《亚热带野生观赏植物多样性保育与扩繁技术研究》,参与 参与内容:野外调查及珍稀观赏植物的繁育,相关论文撰写。 Ø 福建省种业创新与产业化工程项目《福建省特色花卉品种创新与种苗设施繁育产业化工程》,参与 参与内容:兰花杂交育种和快繁,相关论文撰写。 论文著作1. Dai F, Zhuo X, Wang, L, et al. Genomic Resequencing Unravels the Genetic Basis of Domestication, Expansion, and Trait Improvement in Morus Atropurpurea.Advanced Science. 2023, 2300039. (共同第一,1区,IF=17.5) 2. Zheng T, Li P, Zhuo X, .., Zhang Q, et al. The chromosome-level genome provides insight into the molecular mechanism underlying the tortuous-branch phenotype of Prunus mume[J]. New Phytologist2022, 235(1): 141-156. (1区,IF=10.323,共同第一) 3. Zhuo X, Zheng T, Li, S, .., Zhang Q, et al. Identification of PmWEEP locus controlling weeping traits in Prunus mume through an integrated genome-wide association study and quantitative trait locus mapping [J]. Horticulture Research, 2021, 8: 131. (1区,IF=7.291) 4. Zhuo X, Zheng T, Zhang Z, .., Zhang Q, et al. Bulked segregant RNA -sequencing (BSR-seq) identified a novel allele associated with weeping traits in Prunus mume [J].Front. Arg. Sci. Eng., 2021, 8(2):196-214. (工程院专刊,并被评为优秀专辑文章) 5. Zhuo X, Yu Q, .., Gmitter F. G, et al. Role of long non-coding RNA in regulatory network response to ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ in citrus[J]. Frontier in Plant Science, 2023, 14:1090711. (1区,IF=6.627) 6. Wang F., Zhuo X., .., Lan S., Peng D, et al. In Vitro Induction of Polyploidy by Colchicine in the Protocorm of the Orchid Dendrobium wardianum Warner. HortScience, 2023, 58(11), 1368-1375. (2区,IF=1.9) 7. Zhuo X, Zheng T, .., Zhang Q, et al. Genome-Wide Analysis of the NAC Transcription Factor Gene Family Reveals Differential Expression Patterns and Cold-Stress Responses in the Woody Plant Prunus mume [J]. Genes, 2018, 9(10): 494.(3区,IF=3.331) 8. Zhuo X, Wang Z, .., Gmitter F. G, et al. Integrating genetic and network analyses of multi-omics reveals homeostasis of photosystem against citrus Huanglongbing.2022. (已完稿,拟投Nature Communication) 9. Zhang Z, Zhuo X, Zhao K, .., Zhang Q, et al. Transcriptome Profiles Reveal the Crucial Roles of Hormone and Sugar in the Bud Dormancy of Prunus mume [J]. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1):5090. (3区,IF=4.122) 10. Zhang Z , Zhuo X, Yan X, .., Zhang Q, et al. Comparative Genomic and Transcriptomic Analyses of Family-1 UDP Glycosyltransferase in Prunus mume [J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19(11): 3382. (3区,IF=3.787) 11. Zheng T, Zhuo X, Li L, .., Zhang Q, et al. Genome-Wide Analysis of the D-type Cyclin Gene Family Reveals Differential Expression Patterns and Stem Development in the Woody Plant Prunus mume. Forests, 2019, 10(2):147 (2区,IF=1.956) 12. Li S, Zheng T, Zhuo X, .., Zhang Q, et al. Transcriptome profiles reveal that gibberellin-related genes regulate weeping traits in crape myrtle. Horticulture Research, 2020, 7(1), 1-14. (1区, IF=6.072) 13. Li P, Zheng T,Li L, Zhuo X, .., Zhang Q, et al. Photoperiod-and Temperature-Mediated Control of the Ethylene Response and Winter Dormancy Induction in Prunus mume. Horticultural Plant Journal, 2021, 232-242. (2区,IF= 3.032) 14. Yong X., Zheng T., Zhuo X.,.., Zhang Q, et al. . Genome-wide identification, characterisation, and evolution of ABF/AREB subfamily in nine Rosaceae species and expression analysis in mei (Prunus mume). Peer J ,2021, 9: e10785. (3区,IF= 2.98) 15. Li L, Zheng T, Zhuo X, .., Zhang Q, et al. Genome-Wide Analysis of the HD-Zip Gene Family Involves in Stem Development in Woody Plant Prunus mume. Peer J, 2019, 7: e7499. (3区,IF= 2.118) 16. Li S, Zheng T, Zhuo X, .., Zhang Q, et al. Identification of SNP Markers Linked to the Weeping Trait in Prunus mume. Euphytica, 2019, 215(10): p.168. (3区,IF=1.566) 17. Li S, Zheng T, Zhuo X, .., Zhang Q, et al. Isolation of the crape myrtle Decreased Apical Dominance gene LfiDAD2 and characterization of its function in the control of axillary branching. Scientia Horticulturae, 2020, 262: 109055. (2区, IF=1.961) 18. Zhang, Y, Zheng, T, Zhuo, X, .., Zhang Q, et al. Morphological and Genetic Studies on Weeping Tree Architecture in Ornamental Plants. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND BIOLOGY, 2019, 22(5):1037-1042. (4 区, IF=0.37) 19. Zhao K, Zhou Y, Li Y, Zhuo X, .., Zhang Q, et al. Crosstalk of PmCBFs and PmDAMs Based on the Changes of Phytohormones under Seasonal Cold Stress in the Stem of Prunus mume[J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19(2): 15. (3区,IF=3.787) 20. Li P, Zheng T,Li L, Zhuo X, .., Zhang Q, et al. Genome-wide analysis of the CIPK gene family and characterization of the cold stress response in the woody plant Prunus mume. Peer J, 2019, 7: e6847. (3区,IF= 2.118) 21. JiangL, Shi, H, .., Zhuo X, Cheng, T, Zhang, Q, Wu, R. and Sun, L. A computational model for inferring QTL control networks underlying developmental covariation. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10: 1557.(2区, IF=4.106) 22. Li L, Zhang Y, Zheng T, Zhuo X, .., Zhang Q, et al. Comparative gene expression analysis reveals that multiple mechanisms regulate the weeping trait in Prunus mume. [J]. Scientific reports, 2021, 11(1): 1-15 (3区, IF=4.044) 23. Ma H, Li L, .., Zhuo X, Cao Y, J C, Gmitter F. G, Li H. Histone Acetyltransferases and Deacetylases Are Required for Virulence, Conidiation, DNA Damage Repair, and Multiple Stresses Resistance of Alternaria alternata. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12: 3606. (1区, IF=5.640) 授权国际专利 (1) Zhang qixiang; Li suzhen; Zhuo xiaokang; Zheng tangchun; Li lulu; Qiu like; Sun lidan; Cheng tangren; Wang jia. A Prunus mume pendulous trait SNP molecular marker and the use thereof. (专利号:EP3789506) 授权国家专利 (1) 张启翔; 卓孝康; 郑唐春; 程堂仁; 王佳; 杨炜茹; 张智勇; 马开峰 ; 一种梅花种子的萌发方法, 2021-02-02, 中国, CN201710542726.1 (专利) (2) 张启翔; 卓孝康; 郑唐春; 程堂仁; 王佳; 孙丽丹 ; 一种梅花垂枝性状紧密连锁的SNP分子标记及其 检测方法与应用, 2021-09-17, 中国, CN201811504968.2 (专利) (3) 张启翔; 卓孝康; 郑唐春; 孙丽丹; 袁存权; 程堂仁; 王佳 ; 梅花垂枝性状紧密连锁的纯合SNP分子 标记及其检测方法与应用, 2022-09-02, 中国, CN201911038349.3 (专利) (4) 张启翔; 李素珍; 卓孝康; 郑唐春; 李璐璐; 邱丽珂; 孙丽丹; 程堂仁; 王佳 ; 梅花垂枝性状SNP分 子标记及其应用, 2020-09-25, 中国, CN201810415993.7 (专利) (5) 郑唐春; 张启翔; 卓孝康; 孙丽丹; 袁存权; 程堂仁; 王佳 ; 一种杏梅组织培养快速繁殖方法, 2019-06-28, 中国, CN201710482433.9 (专利) (6) 郑唐春; 张启翔; 李璐璐; 卓孝康; 袁存权; 程堂仁; 王佳 ; 一种绿萼梅原生质体分离的方法及其应 用, 2022-06-24, 中国, CN202010378846.4 (专利) (7) 张启翔; 张智勇; 程堂仁; 王佳; 郑唐春; 卓孝康 ; 一种梅花花芽休眠状态的分子检测方法, 2020- 09-22, 中国, CN201710487120.2 (专利) 科技成果 |