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  • 蒋永,男,198709月出生,清华大学博士,福建农林大学资源与环境学院副教授。主要从事微生物电化学技术。主持国家自然科学面上基金、青年基金等项目,以第一/通讯作者在Engineering2篇),Angewandte Chemie International Edition1篇),Environmental Science & Technology2篇),Water Research3篇)等杂志发表论文30余篇(含ESI高被引5篇),谷歌学术引用>3500次,H指数35,从2019年起连续入选斯坦福大学全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。担任Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering (IF=6.4)Results in Engineering (IF=5.0)Engineering Reports (IF=2.0),《应用与环境生物学报》,《中国给水排水》等5个国内外杂志的青年编委,Frontiers in MicrobiologyFrontiers in Energy ResearchFrontiers in Bioengineering and BiotechnologyChemosensors4SCI杂志的特刊编辑


    (1) 中国科技期刊卓越行动计划重点期刊Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering首届青年编委

    (2) SCI期刊Results in Engineering的青年编委

    (3) SCI期刊Engineering Reports的青年编委



    (6) SCI期刊Frontiers in Energy ResearchTopic Editor

    (7) SCI期刊ChemosensorsTopic Editor

    (8) SCI期刊Frontiers in MicrobiologyTopic Editor

    (9) SCI期刊Frontiers in MicrobiologyReview Editor

  • 20069月—20106月  四川大学,获学士学位,轻工生物技术 工学学

    20109月—20136中科院成都生物研究所,获硕士学位,导师:李大平 研究员 微生物 理学硕士

    20139月—20186月 清华大学,获博士学位,导师:梁鹏 教授 环境科学与工程 工学博士

    20169月—20179月 美科罗拉多大学波尔得分校,联合培养,导师:任智勇 教授 博士生联合培养

  • 20188月—现在福建农林大学, 资源与环境学院, 副教授

  • 202106福建农林大学优秀共产党员


    201909Top reviewers in Cross-Field award 2019

    201809Publons Peer Review Awards 2018 in Engineering field







  • 研究领域





    (130) Journal of Cleaner Production (34) Science of the Total Environment
    (15) Bioelectrochemistry (13)Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering

    (11) International Journal of Energy Research (10) Chemosphere
    (10) Chemical Engineering Journal (8) Fuel
    (8) Bioresource Technology (8) Process Biochemistry
    (8) Journal of Hazardous Materials (7) Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
    (6) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (5) Biosensors
    (5) Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (5) Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
    (4) Environmental Research (4) International Journal of Environmental Research
    (4) Scientific Reports (3) Biotechnology Advances
    (3) Waste Management (3) Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
    (3) Nanomaterials (3) Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
    (3) Applied Energy (3) Microbial Ecology
    (3) Water Environment Research (3) Water Research
    (2) ACS ES&T Water (2) Water

    (2) Materials Today Chemistry (2) Engineering Reports
    (2) Chemosensors (2) Current Opinion in Electrochemistry
    (2) Bioresource Technology Reports (2) Catalysis Letters
    (2) Journal of Environmental Sciences (2) Environmental and Experimental Botany
    (1) ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (1) Chemical Engineering Science
    (1) Frontiers in Microbiology (1) Science China Technological Sciences
    (1) Frontiers in Energy Research (1) Environmental Science & Technology
    (1) Electrochimica Acta (1) Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
    (1) Renewable Energy (1) IScience
    (1) e-Prime (1) Process Safety and Environmental Protection
    (1) Journal of Energy Chemistry (1) Journal of CO2 Utilization
    (1) Frontiers in Robotics and AI (1) Talanta
    (1) Ecological Engineering (1) Sustainable Cities and Society
    (1) Materials Science for Energy Technologies (1) Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
    (1) Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology (1) Journal of Power Sources


    研究成果被美国工程院Jens Nielsen院士、中国工程院曲久辉院士、中国工程院谭天伟院士、JACS副主编Shelley D. Minteer教授等在Nature Reviews MicrobiologyDOI: 10.1038/s41579-019-0173-x),Nature CatalysisDOI: 10.1038/s41929-019-0408-2DOI: 10.1038/s41929-019-0421-5),Chemical ReviewsDOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.0c00472),Energy & Environmental ScienceDOI: 10.1039/C5EE03088ADOI: 10.1039/c9ee02410gDOI: do10.1039/d0ee03525d),JouleDOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2020.08.010DOI:10.1016/j.joule.2021.08.003),One EarthDOI: 10.1016/j.oneear.2021.05.007, Progress in Energy and Combustion ScienceDOI: 10.1016/j.pecs.2019.100814, Accounts of Chemical ResearchDOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.9b00523)等高水平杂志他引。


    Web of Science ResearcherIDM-6292-2014ORCID0000-0002-4968-3880

    FAFU: http://teacher.fafu.edu.cn/zhcy/jy1/list.htm

    Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/1304998/yong-jiang/

    Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com.hk/citations?user=dZvKr1cAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN

    AD Scientific Index:https://www.adscientificindex.com/scientist.php?id=713754


    Researchgate: 可查,链接略


    (1) 给水工程


    (1)国家自然科学基金面上项目 活性电极-微生物界面介导的水处理过程CO2再固定的效应及机制2024-2027年;主持

    (2)国家自然科学基金青年项目 生物电化学耦合系统还原CO2生产中链脂肪酸的调控机理2020-2022年;主持

    (3)福建省自然科学基金面上项目 生物阴极微生物电化学传感器对毒性污染物的信号响应机制研究2020-2023;主持

    (4)环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室(清华大学) 2019年度开放课题2019-2021;主持

    (5) 中国科学院环境与应用微生物重点实验室暨环境微生物四川省重点实验室开放课题2019-2020;主持

    (6) 中国科学院环境与应用微生物重点实验室暨环境微生物四川省重点实验室开放课题电极2023-2024;主持

    (7) 福建农林大学“校杰出青年科研人才”计划项目2020-2022;主持



    1.       Chu N, Jiang Y*, et al., 2023. Super-fast Charging Biohybrid Batteries through a Power-toformate-to-bioelectricity Process by Combining Microbial Electrochemistry and CO2 Electrolysis. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2023. 62, e202312147. (通讯作者, IF: 16.6).

    2.       Chu N, Wang D, Wang H, Liang Q, Chang J, Gao Y, Jiang Y*, et al. Flow-electrode microbial electrosynthesis for increasing production rates and lowering energy consumption. Engineering. 2023. 25, 157-167. (通讯作者,IF=12.8中国科技期刊卓越行动计划领军期刊)

    3.       Chu N, Hao W, Wu Q, Liang Q, Jiang Y*, et al. Microbial electrosynthesis to produce medium chain fatty acids. Engineering. 2022. 16, 141-153. (通讯作者,IF=12.8中国科技期刊卓越行动计划领军期刊)

    4.       Chu N, Jiang Y*, et al., 2023. Electricity-driven microbial metabolism of carbon and nitrogen: a waste-to-resource solution. Environmental Science & Technology57, 4379–4395.(通讯作者, IF: 11.4)

    5.       Pu Y, Jiang Y*, et al., 2024. Tandem Acidic CO2 Electrolysis coupled with Syngas Fermentation: A Two-stage Process for Producing Medium-Chain Fatty Acids. Environmental Science & Technology.(通讯作者, IF: 11.4)

    6.       Jiang Y, Chu N, et al. Zinc: A promising material for electrocatalyst-assisted microbial electrosynthesis of carboxylic acids from carbon dioxide. Water Research. 2019, 159: 87-94. (IF: 12.8)

    7.       Jiang Y, May Harold, Lu L, et al. Carbon dioxide and organic waste valorization by microbial electrosynthesis and electro-fermentation. Water Research. 2019, 149: 42-55. (ESI高被引论文,IF: 12.8)

    8.       Liang, P, Duan, R, Jiang, Y*, Zhang, X, Qiu, Y*, Huang, X*. One-year operation of 1000-L modularized microbial fuel cell for municipal wastewater treatment. Water Research. 2018;141: 1-8.(通讯作者,ESI高被引论文,IF: 12.8

    9.       Chu, N., Wu, X., Zhao, Z., Zheng, X., Lu, Y., Pu, Y., Wang, Y., Cai, J., Zhang, L., He, X., Li, D., Zeng, R.J., Yu, Y. and Jiang, Y. Biohybrid CO2 electrolysis under external mode: using pure formic acid extracted from CO2 electroreduction for diverse microbial conversion. Fundamental Research, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.fmre.2024.1002.1008.

    10.    Wang D, Liang Q, Chu N, Zeng RJ, Jiang Y*, 2023. Deciphering mixotrophic microbial electrosynthesis with shifting product spectrum by genome-centric metagenomics. Chemical Engineering Journal. 451, 3139010.(通讯作者, IF: 15.1)

    11.    Wu, G.-Y., Pu, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, H., Wu, Q., Zeng, R.J. *, and Jiang, Y*. 2023. Selective recovery of medium-chain fatty acids from secondary fermentation broth by flow-electrode capacitive deionization. Chemical Engineering Journal. 470,144168.通讯作者, IF: 15.1)

    12.    Chu N, Liang Q, Hao W, Jiang Y*, et al. Microbial electrochemical sensor for water biotoxicity monitoring. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2021, 404: 127053. (ESI高被引论文,通讯作者, IF: 15.1)

    13.    Jiang Y, Yang X, Liang P, et al. Microbial fuel cell sensors for water quality early warning systems: Fundamentals, signal resolution, optimization and future challenges. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2018, 81: 292-305.(ESI高被引论文,IF: 15.9)

    14.    Chu N, Liang Q, Jiang, Y*, et al. Microbial electrochemical platform for the production of renewable fuels and chemicals. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2020, 150: 111922. (通讯作者, IF: 12.6)

    15.    Jiang Y, Liang P, Liu P, et al. A novel microbial fuel cell sensor with biocathode sensing element. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2017;94:344-350. (IF: 12.6)

    16.    Chu N, Liang Q, Zhang W, Ge Z, Hao W, Jiang Y*, et al. Waste C1 gases as alternatives to pure CO2 improved the microbial electrosynthesis of C4 and C6 carboxylates. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2020, 8: 8773-8782. (通讯作者, IF: 8.4)

    17.    Jiang Y, Lu L, et al. Electrochemical control of redox potential arrests methanogenesis and regulates products in mixed culture electro-fermentation. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2018, 6: 8650–8658IF: 8.4

    18.    Li Z, Cai J, Gao Y, Zhang L, Liang Q, Hao W, Jiang Y*, Jianxiong Zeng R, 2022. Efficient production of medium chain fatty acids in microbial electrosynthesis with simultaneous bio-utilization of carbon dioxide and ethanol. Bioresource Technology 352, 127101. (通讯作者, IF: 11.4)

    19.    Chu N, Zhang LX, Hao W, Liang Q, Jiang Y*, et al. Rechargeable microbial fuel cell based on bidirectional extracellular electron transfer. Bioresource Technology. 2021,329:124887. (通讯作者, IF: 11.4)

    20.    Chu N, Liang Q, Hao W, Jiang Y*, et al. Micro-microbial electrochemical sensor equipped with combined bioanode and biocathode for water biotoxicity monitoring. Bioresource Technology. 2021,326: 124743. (通讯作者, IF: 11.4)

    21.    Jiang Y, Liang P, Zhang C, et al. Enhancing the response of microbial fuel cell based toxicity sensors to Cu (II) with the applying of flow-through electrodes and controlled anode potentials. Bioresource technology. 2015;190:367-72. (IF:11.4)

    22.    Jiang Y, Chu N, et al. Microbial electrochemical stimulation of caproate production from ethanol and carbon dioxide. Bioresource technology. 2020, 295: 122266. (IF: 11.4)

    23.    Jiang Y, Zeng RJ. Expanding the product spectrum of value added chemicals in microbial electrosynthesis through integrated process design—a review. Bioresource technology. 2018, 269: 503-512. (IF: 11.4)

    24.    Jiang Y, Zeng RJ. Bidirectional extracellular electron transfers of electrode-biofilm: mechanism and application.Bioresource technology. 2019, 271: 439-448. (ESI高被引论文IF: 11.4)

    25.    Jiang Y, Liang P, Zhang C et al. Periodic polarity reversal for stabilizing the pH in two-chamber microbial electrolysis cells. Applied Energy. 2016;165:670-5. (IF:11.2)

    26.    Jiang Y, Chu N, et al. Electro-fermentation regulates mixed culture chain elongation with fresh and acclimated cathode. Energy Conversion and Management. 2020, 204: 112285. (IF: 10.4)

    27.    Jiang Y, Chu N, et al. Submersible probe type microbial electrochemical sensor for volatile fatty acids monitoring in the anaerobic digestion process.Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 232: 1371-1378. (IF: 11.1)

    28.    Pu Y, Wu G, Wang Y, Wu X, Chu N, Zeng RJ, et al. Surface coating combined with in situ cyclic voltammetry to enhance the stability of gas diffusion electrodes for electrochemical CO(2) reduction. Science of the Total Environment 2024; 918: 170758.

    29.    Jiang Y, Liang Q, et al. A slurry electrode integrated with membrane electrolysis for high-performance acetate production in microbial electrosynthesis. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 741: 140198. (IF: 9.8)

    30.    Gao, Y., Li, Z., Cai, J., Zhang, L., Liang, Q., Jiang, Y*., Zeng, R.J., 2022. Metal nanoparticles increased the lag period and shaped the microbial community in slurry-electrode microbial electrosynthesis. Science of the Total Environment. 838, 156008.(通讯作者, IF: 9.8)

    31.    Chu N, Cai J, Li Z, Gao Y, Liang Q, Hao W, Liu P, Jiang Y*, Zeng RJ. Indicators of water biotoxicity obtained from turn-off microbial electrochemical sensors. Chemosphere. 2022,286,131725. (通讯作者, IF: 8.8)

    32.    Jiang Y, Liang P, Huang, X, et al. A novel microbial fuel cell sensor with a gas diffusion biocathode sensing element for water and air quality monitoring. Chemosphere. 2018, 203: 21-25.IF: 8.8

    33.    Wang S, Qi X, Jiang Y*, Liu P, Hao W, Han J, Liang P*. An antibiotic composite electrode for improving the sensitivity of electrochemically active biofilm biosensor. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2022, 16(8): 97. (通讯作者, IF=6.7)

    34.    Liang Q, Gao Y, Li Z, Cai J, Chu N, Hao W, Jiang Y*, Zeng RJ. Electricity-driven ammonia oxidation and acetate production in microbial electrosynthesis systems. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2022,16:42. (通讯作者, IF=6.7)

    35.    Cai J, Wang Y, Al-Dhabi NA, Wu G, Pu Y, Tang W, et al. Refining microbial potentiometric sensor performance with unique cathodic catalytic properties for targeted application scenarios. Environmental Research 2024; 247: 118285.

    36.    Jiang Y, Su M, Zhang Y, et al. Bioelectrochemical systems for simultaneously production of methane and acetate from carbon dioxide at relatively high rate. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2013;38:3497-502.(IF: 7.2)

    37.    Jiang Y, Liang P, Liu P, et al. A cathode-shared microbial fuel cell sensor array for water alert system. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2017;42:4342-8. (IF: 7.2)

    38.    Jiang Y, Liang P, Liu P, et al. Enhancement of the sensitivity of a microbial fuel cell sensor by transient-state operation. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. 2017;3 (3):472-479. (IF: 5.0)

    39.    Jiang Y, Liang P, Liu P, et al. Enhancing Signal Output and Avoiding BOD/Toxicity Combined Shock Interference by Operating a Microbial Fuel Cell Sensor with an Optimized Background Concentration of Organic Matter.International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2016;17:1392. (IF: 5.6)

    40.    Jiang Y, Su M, Li D. Removal of sulfide and production of methane from carbon dioxide in microbial fuel cells–microbial electrolysis cell (MFCs–MEC) coupled system. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2014;172:2720-31. (IF: 3.0)

    41.    Cai J, Huang H, Li Z, Gao Y, Liang Q, Chen X, Chu N, Hao W, Wang D, Jiang Y*, Zeng RJ, 2022. A rechargeable microbial electrochemical sensor for water biotoxicity monitoring. Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X 10. 100132


    (2)褚娜,蒋永*,曾建雄.微生物电合成生产中链脂肪酸的基本原理及研究进展.生物技术通报. 2021, 37(5):237-247.

    (2)蒋永,苏敏,张尧,陶勇,李大平.生物电化学系统还原二氧化碳同时合成甲烷和乙酸.应用与环境生物学报. 2013,19(05):833-837.



    (1) 梁鹏、蒋永等,一种水质监测装置及其制备方法 ZL201410716689.8

    (2) 梁鹏、蒋永等,一种微生物燃料电池及其制备和在水质预警中的应用 ZL201611233895.9

    (3) 梁鹏、蒋永等,一种基于物联网控制的微生物电化学水质监测系统ZL201810821003.X

    (4) 蒋永等,一种可充电微生物电化学传感器及其制备和在水质预警中的应用 ZL2021113165676


    (1)Jiang Y, et al. AP-ISMET 2021, Harbin, China, July 16-18. (邀请报告)

    (2)Jiang Y, et al. AP-ISMET 2021, Harbin, China, July 16-18, 2021. (口头)

    (3)Jiang Y, et al. 15th IWA Anaerobic Digestion, Beijing, China, Oct. 17-20, 2017. (口头)

    (4)Jiang Y, et al. AP-ISMET 2016, BEXCO, Busan, South Korea, Aug. 31-Sep. 2, 2016. (墙报)

    (5)Jiang Y, et al.The 5th ISMET Arizona, USA, Sep.30-Oct. 4, 2015. (墙报)

    (6) Jiang Y, et al. The 5th ISMET Arizona, USA, Sep. 30-Oct. 4, 2015. (口头)