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  • 行政职务: 福建省农业固体废弃物资源化工程研究中心副主任
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 最后学位: 博士学位
  • 邮    编: 350002
  • 电    话: 15980111186
  • 电子邮箱: chenzhi0529@163.com
  • 办公地点: 水资源与水安全研究中心205室
  • 通讯地址: 福州市仓山区上下店路15号

























1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:微生物介导土壤Pb(II)转化成磷铅矿的生物-化学耦合机制,216070242017-2019年,20万元、主持。

2. 中国博士后基金面上项目:铅成矿菌介导土壤Pb(II)钝化的生物-化学耦合机制,2016M6020482016-2018年,5万元、主持。

3. 福建省自然科学基金青年创新项目:铅成矿菌介导土壤Pb(II)钝化的生物-化学耦合机制,2017J050182017-2020年,3万元、主持。

4. 国家重点研发计划:镉、砷超富集植物优良生态型的筛选及其增值利用研究,2017YFD08009022017-2020年,295万元、子课题负责人。

5. 福建农林大学杰出青年项目:超高堆肥降解微塑料的生物-化学耦合机制,xjq2019042020-2022年,30万元、主持。


7. 国家重点研发计划子课题,重金属污染农田低成本长效治理产品和智能装备研制,2022YFD1700901,2022.9-2026.12,80万、子课题负责人

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(42377247):有机固废超高温堆肥生物炭化新效应与机制2024-202749万元,主持




1.        Xing R., Yin K., Du X., Lin Y., Yu Z., Chen Z.* Zhou S.* Enhanced organic matter humification by hydroxyl radical generation during electric field-assisted aerobic composting[J]. Chem. Eng. J.2024, 482, 148910.

2.        Chen Z., Zhang Y., Xing R., Rensing C., Lü J., Chen M., Zhong S.*, Zhou S.* Reactive oxygen species triggered oxidative degradation of polystyrene in the gut of superworms (Zophobas atratus Larvae)[J]. Environ. Sci. Technol.2023, 57(20), 7867-7874. (IF=11.357JCR一区,Top期刊)

3.        Chen S., Guo X., Zhang B., Nie D., Rao W., Zhang D., Lü J., Guan X., Chen Z.*, Pan X.* Mesoporous silica nanoparticles induce intracellular peroxidation damage of Phytophthora infestans: A new type of green fungicide for late blight control[J]. Environ. Sci. Technol.2023, 57(9), 3980-3989. (IF=11.357JCR一区,Top期刊)

4.        Xing R., Sun H., Du X., Lin H., Qin S., Chen Z.*, Zhou S. Enhanced degradation of microplastics during sludge composting via microbially-driven Fenton reaction[J]. J. Hazard. Mater.2023, 449, 131031. (IF=14.224JCR一区,Top期刊)

5.        Sun H., Xing R., Ye X., Yin K., Zhang Y., Chen Z.*, Zhou S. Reactive oxygen species accelerate humification process during iron mineral-amended sludge composting[J]. Bioresour. Technol.2023, 370, 128544. (IF=11.889JCR一区,Top期刊)

6.        Chen Z., Chen Z.W., Sun H.Y., Xing R.Z., Zhou S.G.*Degradation of microplastics by hydroxyl radicals generated during microbially driven humus redox transformation[J]. Water Res.2022, 118731. DOIorg/10.1016/j.watres.2022.118731 (IF=13.4JCR一区,Top期刊)

7.        Xing R.Z., Yang X.G., Sun H.Y., Ye X.Y., Liao H.P., Qin S.P., Chen Z.*,Zhou S.G. Extensive production and evolution of free radicals during composting [J]. Bioresource Technol. 2022, 127491. DOI: org/10.1016/j.biortech.2022.127491. IF=11.889JCR一区,Top期刊)

8.        Xing R., Chen Z., Sun H., Liao H., Qin S., Liu W., Zhang Y., Chen Z.*, Zhou S.Free radicals accelerate in situ ageing of microplastics during sludge composting[J]. J. Hazard. Mater. 2022, 429, 128405. IF=14.224JCR一区,Top期刊)

9.        Chen Z., Xing R.Z., Yang X.G., Zhao Z.Q., Liao H.P., Zhou S.G.*Enhanced in situ Pb(II) passivation by biotransformation into chloropyromorphite during sludge composting. J. Hazard. Mater.2021, 408, 124973.IF=14.224JCR一区,Top期刊)

10.     Chen Z., Zhao W.Q., Xing R.Z., Xie S.J., Yang X.G., Cui P., Lü J., Liao H.P., Yu, Z., Wang S.H., Zhou, S.G.*Enhanced in situ biodegradation of microplastics in sewage sludge using hyperthermophilic composting technology[J]. J. Hazard. Mater.2020, 384, 121271.IF=10.588JCR一区,Top期刊)

11.     Chen Z., Xing R.Z., Tang J.H., Chen Z.X., Zhang Z.Y., Liao H.P., Huang R., Wei D., Zhou S.G.*Upcycling of Cd hyperaccumulator biomass into CdS@C nanocomposite with high photocatalytic performance[J].ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng.2020, 8(3): 1388-1395. (IF=8.198JCR一区,Top期刊)

12.     Chen Z., Pan X.H., Chen H., Guan X.*, Lin Z.* Biomineralization of Pb(II) into Pb-hydroxyapatite induced byBacillus cereus 12-2 isolated from lead-zinc mine tailings[J].J. Hazard. Mater. 2016, 301: 531-537.IF=10.588JCR一区,Top期刊)

13.     Chen Z., Zhuang Z.Y.*, Cao Q., Pan X.H., Guan X., Lin Z.* Adsorption-induced crystallization of U-rich nanocrystals on nano-Mg(OH)2 and the aqueous uranyl enrichment[J].ACS Appl. Mater Inter. 2014, 6(2), 1301-1305.IF=9.229JCR一区,Top期刊)

14.     Chen Z., Huang Z.P., Cheng Y.J., Pan D.M; Pan X.H., Yu M.J., Pan Z.Y., Lin Z.*, Guan X.*, Wu Z.Y.* Cr(VI) uptake mechanism ofBacillus cereus[J].Chemosphere. 2012, 87(3), 211-216.

15.     Chen Z., Pan X.H., Chen H., Lin Z., Guan X.* Investigation of lead(II) uptake byBacillus thuringiensis 016[J].World J Microb Biot., 2015, 31: 1729-1736.

16.     Chen Z., Chen H., Pan X.H., Lin Z., Guan X.* Investigation of methylene blue biosorption and biodegradation by Bacillus thuringiensis 016[J].Water Air Soil Poll.2015, 226:146.

17.     Chen Z., Cheng Y.J., Wu Z.X., Pan D.M., Li B., Pan X.H., Huang Z.P., Lin Z.,* Guan X.* Diversity of microbial community in Shihongtan sandstone type uranium deposits, Xinjiang, China[J].Geomicrobiol J. 2012, 29(3), 255-263.

18.     Li J., Zhang R., Pan Z., Liao Y., Xiong C., Chen M., Huang R., Pan X.*, Chen Z.*Preparation of CdS@C photocatalyst using phytoaccumulation cd recycled from contaminated wastewater[J]. Front. Chem.2021, 9, 717210, DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2021.717210.

19.     Xing R.Z., Li J.X., Yang X.G., Chen Z.W., Huang R., Chen Z.X., Zhou S.G.,Chen Z.*Preparation of high-performance CdS@C catalyst using Cd-enriched biochar recycled from plating wastewater[J].Front. Chem.2020, 8, DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2020.00140.

20.     Pan X.H., Chen S.L., Li D.Z., Rao W.H., Zheng Y.L., Yang Z.Y., Li L., Guan X.,*Chen Z.* The Synergistic Antibacterial Mechanism of Gentamicin-Loaded CaCO3 Nanoparticles[J].Front. Chem. 2018, DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2017.00130.

21.     Chen Z.X., Wang J.T., Xing R.Z., Wang Y.H., Wang S.H, Wei D., Li J.X.,Chen Z.*, Lü J. Preparation of carbon-supported CdS photocatalysts with high performance of dye photodegradation using cadmium-enrichedPerilla frutescensbiomass[J]. Inorg. Chem. Commun. 2019, 109, 107559.

22.     Cao  X.L, Zhang Q.H., Pan X.H,Chen Z.*, Lü J. Mechanochemical synthesis of nano–ciprofloxacin with enhanced antibacterial activity[J].Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2019, 102, 66-69.

23.    邢睿智,赵子强,赵文琪,陈志*,陈金凤,周顺桂.嗜热脂肪地芽胞杆菌对聚苯乙烯的降解性能[J]. 环境科学202142(6): 3056-3062.

24.    邢睿智, 艾超凡, 王梦怡, 唐荣, 杨祖沐, 秦树平, 陈志*, 周顺桂. 畜禽粪便超高温好氧堆肥工程案例[J]. 农业环境科学学报. 2021, 40(11), 2405-2411.

25.    陈泽伟, 谢胜佳, 黄可萱, 杨兴桂, 周顺桂, 陈志*. 嗜热艾登短芽孢杆菌对聚乙烯醇的降解性能及机制[J]. 湖南生态科学学报. 2022, 9(02), 1-9.



1. 林璋,陈志,吕香英,王永净. 气体脱附阴离子层状化合物所吸附的六价铬的方法. ZL 201310415327.0

2. 周顺桂,陈志,廖汉鹏. 一种利用城市污泥制备的超高温好氧发酵菌剂及其制备方法,201710906562.6.

3. 陈志,周顺桂,韦丹,廖汉鹏. 一种极端嗜热菌协同发酵生产复合超高温堆肥菌剂的方法,CN201711103240.4.

4. 陈志,周顺桂,赵子强.一种嗜热Pb成矿菌及其在污泥高温堆肥中钝化Pb的方法,ZL201711079841.6.

5.陈志,赵文琪,谢胜佳,周顺桂.一种复合高温菌剂及其在堆肥中协同降解聚苯乙烯的方法. CN2018104008123

6. 陈志,邢睿智,陈志轩,严勰,周顺桂. 一种利用镉超富集植物制备光催化材料的方法及应用,CN201910096621.7.

7.  陈志,邢睿智,周顺桂. 一种复合高温菌剂及其在塑料降解中的应用,CN2021105925189.


1. 2022年,福建省科学技术进步二等奖(证书编号:2020-J-2-008-06,排名第6

2. 2016年,中国产学研合作创新成果一等奖(证书编号:20168001,排名第4

3. 2019年,福建农林大学暑期三下乡社会实践先进工作者

4. 2020年,福建农林大学青年五四奖章

5. 2021年,第十五届“挑战杯”福建省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖,作品名称:利用植物回收环境中的镉制备高性能CdS@C光催化剂及其应用,参赛学生:李嘉欣,张若澜,潘资键,黄榕,张晨,吴玲鑫,李健瑜,叶章熙,指导老师:陈志,邢睿智

6. 2022年,第十七届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖,作品名称:利用植物回收环境中的镉制备高性能CdS@C光催化剂及其应用,参赛学生:李嘉欣,潘资键,陈明丽,廖彦,熊朝斌,指导老师:陈志