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王文斐,男,198410月生,博士,副教授,博士生导师。2005年本科毕业于山东大学生物技术专业,2012年毕业于中国科学院植物研究所,获得植物发育学博士学位。2013-2015年,先后在美国马萨诸塞大学安默斯特分校(University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA)和美国卡内基研究所植物生物学部Department of Plant Biology, Carnegie Institution for Science, USA进行博士后训练。在PLos Genetics,Journal of Genetics and Genomics,Planta,Plant Molecular Biology 等杂志上发表论文多篇。

研究方向:1. 植物单糖基化修饰 2. 植物激素在根系发育中的作用


  • 行政职务:
  • 技术职称: 教授
  • 最后学位: 博士学位
  • 邮    编: 350002
  • 电    话: 15659138681
  • 电子邮箱: wenfeiwang@fafu.edu.cn
  • 办公地点:
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1. 2001年 - 2005年,山东大学生物技术专业,学士学位;

2. 2005年 - 2012年,毕业于中国科学院植物研究所,获得植物发育学博士学位;


1. 2013 - 2014年,美国马萨诸塞大学安默斯特分校(University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA),博士后;

2. 2014-2015年,美国卡内基研究所植物生物学部Department of Plant Biology, Carnegie Institution for Science,            USA),博士后。

3.  2015年 - 至今, 福建农林大学


1. 2015年福建农林大学金山学者-青年拔尖人才。

2. 2017年福建农林大学校杰出青年。


1. 植物单糖基化修饰

2. 植物激素对根系发育的调控



1. O-GlcNAc修饰调节SPINDLY蛋白功能的机制研究 (31700254)  国家自然基金青年项目 2018.01 - 2020.12 

2. 基于嵌合受体技术的植物富亮氨酸重复受体激酶功能研究  2016J01098  福建省自然基金面上项目 2016 - 2020

3. 大豆磷素吸收需求特性及高效吸收利用的生理机制 (2017YFD0200204) 国家磷专项子课题 2017 - 2020

4. 植物激素油菜素内酯对大豆低磷响应的影响 (xjq201707)福建农林大学校杰出青年项目 2017 – 2020

5. ARF6翻译后修饰与相互作用蛋白的鉴定和功能研究 (KXB16005A)福建农林大学校国际合作项目 2016 -2020


1.Zhang Z, Sun Y, Jiang X, Wang W*, Wang ZY*. Sugar inhibits brassinosteroid signaling by enhancing BIN2 phosphorylation of BZR1. PLoS Genet. 2021;17(5):e1009540. Published 2021 May 14. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1009540

2.Cheng L, Li M, Min W, Wang M, Chen R, Wang W*. Optimal Brassinosteroid Levels Are Required for Soybean Growth and Mineral Nutrient Homeostasis. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Aug 5;22(16):8400. doi: 10.3390/ijms22168400. 

3.李阳晨程玲卞江虎王文斐*拟南芥ECT7蛋白的相互作用蛋白及翻译后修饰的鉴定植物生理学报, 57(3), 9.

4.Cheng, L., Min, W., Li, M., Zhou, L., Hsu, C. C., Yang, X., Jiang, X., Ruan, Z., Zhong, Y., Wang, Z. Y., & Wang, W*. (2021). Quantitative Proteomics Reveals that GmENO2 Proteins Are Involved in Response to Phosphate Starvation in the Leaves of Glycine max L. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(2), 920. 

5.Zhang, Z., X. Yang, L. Cheng, Z. Guo, H. Wang, W. Wu, K. Shin, J. Zhu, X. Zheng, J. Bian, Y. Li, L. Gu, Q. Zhu, Z.-Y. Wang and Wang W* (2020). Physiological and transcriptomic analyses of brassinosteroid function in moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) seedlings. Planta 252(2): 27.

6.Guo Z#, Zhang Z#, Yang X, Yin K, Chen Y, Zhang Z, Shin K, Zhu Q, Wang ZY, Wang W*PSBR1, encoding a mitochondrial protein, is regulated by brassinosteroid in moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) Plant Mol Biol. 2020;10.1007/s11103-020-00975-3. 

7.Sun L, Feraru E, Feraru MI, Waidmann S, Wang W, Passaia G, Wang ZY, Wabnik K, Kleine-Vehn J. PIN-LIKES Coordinate Brassinosteroid Signaling with Nuclear Auxin Input in Arabidopsis thaliana. Curr Biol. 2020 Mar 2:S0960-9822(20)30175-5.

8.Chen, L., Qin, L., Zhou, L., Li, X., Chen, Z., Sun, L., Wang, W., Lucie, D., Zhao, J., Yamaji, N., Ma, J.F., Gu, M., Xu, G., & Liao, H. (2018). A nodule-localized phosphate transporter GmPT7 plays an important role in enhancing symbiotic N2 fixation and yield in soybean. The New phytologist.

9.Y. Tian, M. Fan, Z. Qin, H. Lv, M. Wang, Z. Zhang, W. Zhou, N. Zhao, X. Li, C. Han, Z. Ding, W. Wang, Z.-Y. Wang, and M.-Y. Bai, “Hydrogen peroxide positively regulates brassinosteroid signaling through oxidation of the BRASSINAZOLE-RESISTANT1 transcription factor,” Nature Communications, vol. 9, no. 1, Mar. 2018.

10.Brawley, SH, Blouin, NA, Ficko-blean, E, Wheeler, GL, Lohr, M, Goodson, HV, Jenkins, JW, Blaby-haas, CE, Helliwell, KE, Chan, CX, Marriage, TN, Bhattacharya, D, Klein, AS, Badis, Y, Brodie, J, Cao, Y, Collén, J, Dittami, SM, Gachon, CMM, Green, BR, Karpowicz, SJ, Kim, JW, Kudahl, UJ, Lin, S, Michel, G, Mittag, M, Olson, BJSC, Pangilinan, JL, Peng, Y, Qiu, H, Shu, S, Singer, JT, Smith, AG, Sprecher, BN, Wagner, V, Wang, W, Wang, Z, Yan, J, Yarish, C, Zäuner-riek, S, Zhuang, Y, Zou, Y, Lindquist, EA, Grimwood, J, Barry, KW, Rokhsar, DS, Schmutz, J, Stiller, JW, Grossman, AR & Prochnik, SE . (2017). Insights into the red algae and eukaryotic evolution from the genome of Porphyra umbilicalis (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114 (31), E6361-E6370.

11.Xu, S.L., Chalkley, R.J., Maynard, J.C., Wang, W., Ni, W., Jiang, X., Shin, K., Cheng, L., Savage, D., Huhmer, A.F. Burlingame, A. L. Wang, Z-Y (2017). Proteomic analysis reveals O-GlcNAc modification on proteins with key regulatory functions in Arabidopsis.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.

12.Zhang Z, Zhu JY, Roh J, Marchive C, Kim SK, Meyer C, Sun Y, Wang W, Wang ZY. (2016). TOR Signaling Promotes Accumulation of BZR1 to Balance Growth with Carbon Availability in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol 26:1854-60. 

13.Chaiwanon J, Wang W, Zhu JY, Oh E, Wang ZY. (2016) Information Integration and Communication in Plant Growth Regulation. Cell 164:1257-68. 

14.Wang, W., Bai, M.-Y., Wang, Z.-Y. (2014) The brassinosteroid signaling network – a paradigm of signal integration. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 21, 147–153.

15.Wang, W., Wang, Z.-Y. (2014) At the intersection of plant growth and immunity. Cell Host Microbe 15, 400–402.

16.Wang, W., Li, G., Zhao, J., Chu, H., Zhang, D., Wang, Z.Y., Liang, W. (2014) DWARF TILLER1, a WUSCHEL-Related Homeobox Transcription Factor, Is Required for Tiller Growth in Rice. PLoS Genet 10(3): e1004154. 

17.Wang W, Chu H, Zhang D, Liang W*. Fine Mapping and Analysis of DWARF TILLER1 in Controlling Rice Architecture. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 40, 493-495, 2013. 

18.Zhang, L.-Y., Bai, M.-Y., Wu, J., Zhu, J.-Y., Wang, H., Wang, W., Zhang, Z., Sun, Y. Zhao, J., Sun, X., Yang, H., Xu, Y., Kim, S.-W., Fujioka, S., Lin, W.-H., Chong,K., Lu, T.-G., Wang, Z.-Y. (2009) Antagonistic HLH/bHLH transcription factors mediate BR regulation of cell elongation and plant development in rice and Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 21, 3767–3780.
