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刘先,女,1985年生,福建农林大学林学院副教授,硕士生导师。 2014年毕业于澳大利亚Griffith大学,获土壤学博士学位。曾主持国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目1项,福建省科技厅高校联合资助面上基金项目2项,并参与多项国家级、省级科研和教改项目,以第一作者或通讯作者在《Soil Biology and Biochemistry》、《Microbial Ecology》、《Frontiers in Microbiology》、《生态学报》等期刊发表高水平论文20余篇,受邀担任《Science of the Total Environment》、《Forests》等多个杂志的审稿人。


  • 行政职务:
  • 技术职称: 副教授
  • 最后学位: 博士学位
  • 邮    编:
  • 电    话: 13023806100
  • 电子邮箱: xianliu@fafu.edu.cn
  • 办公地点: 林学楼503
  • 通讯地址: 福建省福州市仓山区上下店路15号福建农林大学林学院






2015/8-2023/5 福建农林大学,林学院,讲师(2016年遴选为硕士生导师)

2023/6-今 福建农林大学,林学院,副教授


2019/11/16 林学院第十二届青年教师讲课比赛一等奖



1、主持,2022年教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心“大美中国”主题案例项目《“火     焰山”变身“花果山”-福建长汀水土流失治理案例》(ZT-221038903),2023/5-     2023/10。

2、主持校级本科教改项目《生态学双语教学模式及创新评价体系的探索》,2016/12-     2018/12。

3、主持校级研究生课程案例库建设项目《国内外人工林管理措施案例库设》,         2019/6-2021/6

4、主持研究生教改校级一般项目《林业优质教学案例库建设:南方杉木人工林连栽障     碍及恢复案例》,2023/7-2025/7。

5、参与省级本科教改项目《虚拟仿真在森林采伐与运输课程中运用》,2021/8-         2022/3。





刘先,王玉哲,陈灿,范海兰. 2018,高等农林院校双语教学改革的探索-以福建农林大学“生态学”课程为例,中国林业教育,36(2): 37-40.

刘先. 2023, 研究生英文论文写作与科学思维能力培养——福建农林大学林学院硕士研究生的教改实践,教育教学论坛,JYJXLT-23-08-22-09-04.
















4、参与,国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目:昆虫食叶行为对亚热带典型常绿阔叶林叶凋落物分解及SOC周转的影响(42077094),57万,2021/1- 2024/12,在研。 



1. Yuzhe Wang, Pengyu Jiao, Wen Guo, DaJun Du, Yalin Hu, Xiang Tan*, Xian Liu*. 2022. Changes in bulk and rhizosphere soil microbial diversity and composition along an age gradient of Chinese Fir (Cunninghamia lanceolate) plantations in subtropical China. Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 777862. 

2. Xian Liu, Yuzhe Wang, Yuhui Liu, Hui Chen, Yalin Hu*. 2020. Response of bacterial and fungal soil communities to Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolate) long-term monoculture plantations. Frontiers in Microbiology 11: 181

3. Xian Liu*, CR Chen, WJ Wang, JM Hughes, Tom Lewis. 2017. Temporal changes rather than long-term repeated burning predominately control the shift in the abundance of soil denitrifying community in an Australian sclerophyll forest. Microbial Ecology 73: 177-187

4. Xian Liu, CR Chen*, WJ Wang, JM. Hughes, Tom Lewis, Enqing Hou, Jupei Shen. 2015. Vertical distribution of soil denitrifying communities in a wet sclerophyll forest under long-term repeated burning. Microbial Ecology 70: 993-1003

5. Xian Liu, CR Chen*, WJ Wang, JM Hughes, Tom Lewis. 2015. Response of soil denitrifying  communities to long-term prescribed burning in two Australian sclerophyll forests.    Geomicrobiology Journal 32(7): 577-584

6. Xian Liu, CR Chen*, WJ Wang, JM Hughes, Tom Levis, EQ Hou, Jupei Shen. 2013. Soil environmental factors rather than denitrification gene abundance control N2O fluxes in a wet sclerophyll forest with different burning frequency. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57: 292-300

7. Xian Liu, CR Chen*, WJ Wang, JM Hughes, Tom Lewis. 2012. Long-term prescribed burning does not affect the abundance of denitrifier communities in a wet sclerophyll forest of Australia. In: Proceedings of the 5th Joint Australian and New Zealand Soil Science Conference: Soil solutions for diverse landscapes. Hobart. (Eds LL Burkitt and LA Sparrow). 731-733 (Australian Society of Soil Science Inc.)

8. Yuzhe Wang, Junqiang Zheng, Xian Liu, Qiang Yan, Yalin Hu*. 2020. Short-term impact of fire-deposited charcoal on soil microbial community abundance and composition in a subtropical plantation in China. Geoderma 359. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.113992

9. WG Tang, DX Chen, LP Oliver, Xian Liu, Z Zhou, YD Li, D Xi, FF Zhu, JY Fang, LM Zhang, MX Lin, JH Wu, YT Fang*. 2018. Effects of long-term increased N deposition on tropical montane forest soil N2 and N2O emissions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 126: 194-203

10. F Reverchon, S Hosseini, X Liu,TJ Blumfield*. 2015. Tree plantation systems influence nitrogen retention and the abundance of nitrogen functional genes in the Solomon Islands. Frontiers in Microbiology 6:1439

11. JB Goloran, CR Chen*, IR Phillips, X Liu. 2015. Pathways of different forms of nitrogen and role of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in alkaline residue sand from bauxite processing. European Journal of Soil Science 66: 942-950

12. JB Goloran, CR Chen*, IR Phillips, X Liu. 2014. Transformation and plant uptake of 15N-labeled fertilizers mediated by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in alkaline bauxite-processing residue sand amended with greenwaste compost. Ecological Engineering 74: 68-78

13. EQ Hou, CR Chen*, DZ Wen, Xian Liu. 2014. Relationships of phosphorus fractions to organic carbon content in surface soils in mature subtropical forests, Dinghushan, China. Soil Research 52: 55-63

14. WJ Huang, ZH Xu, CR Chen, GY Zhou*, JX Liu, KM Abdullah, F Reverchon, Xian Liu. 2013. Short-term effects of prescribed burning on phosphorus availability in a suburban native forest of subtropical Australia. Journal of Soils and Sediments 13: 869-876

15. XQ Zhou, Xian Liu, YC Rui, CR Chen, HW Wu, ZH Xu*. 2011. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation and soil N availability under legume crops in an arid environment. Journal of Soils and Sediments 11: 762-770

16. 刘先,索沛蘅,杜大俊,刘雨晖,胡亚林,王玉哲*. 2020. 连栽杉木人工林参与土壤碳氮转化过程酶活性及其与土壤理化因子相关性生态学报,40(1): 247-256

17. 唐楚珺,高李文,彭紫薇,刘雨晖,陈辉,王玉哲,胡亚林,刘先*. 2023. 连栽杉木人工林土壤氮循环功能基因丰度特征应用与环境生物学报,29(1):154-161

18. 郭文,高李文,彭紫薇,韦明倩,王玉哲,胡亚林,刘先*. 2022. 不同林龄杉木根际与非根际土壤微生物群落特征. 水土保持研究,29(6): 260-267

19. 任丽红,索沛蘅,唐楚珺,刘雨晖,陈辉,王玉哲*,刘先. 2021. 不同连栽代数杉木人工林土壤氮素季节变化特征. 水土保持研究,28(5): 1-7

20. 索沛蘅,杜大俊,王玉哲,胡亚林,刘先*. 2019. 杉木连栽对土壤氮含量和氮转化酶活性的影响. 森林与环境学报,39(2): 113-119

21. 王玉哲,刘俊第,严强,方熊,易志刚,胡亚林,刘先*2018. 马尾松林采伐迹地火烧黑炭对土壤活性碳氮库的影响. 生态学报,38(20): 7198-7207

22. 程刘涛,郭文,王玉哲,吴晓生,严强,胡亚林,刘先*. 2023. 中亚热带不同林龄木荷养分限制及重吸收特征. 生态学杂志(已录用).
