曾雯 讲师(高校)园艺学院 |
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曾雯,女,1993年生,湖南双峰人,中共党员,农学博士,讲师,硕士生导师。主要从事茶树资源育种、次生代谢物及关键农艺性状的调控研究。 个人信息
论文著作(1) Wen Zeng; Zhen Zeng; Jie Teng; Dylan O’Neill Rothenberg; Mengzhen Zhou; Ronghui Lai; Xingfei Lai; Wenfang Zhao; Dan Li; Changyu Yan; Yahui Huang ; Comparative Analysis of Purine Alkaloids and Main Quality Components of the Three Camellia Species in China, Foods, 2022,11(5) . (2) Wen Zeng; Chen Cheng; Manwei Xie; Mengzhen Zhou; Xiaoli Mo; Yahui Huang ; Chemical composition changes and quality development of a new Green-Making technology in semi-fermented tea processing, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2021, 46(e16156) . (3) Meng-zhen Zhou; Chang-yu Yan; Zhen Zeng; Li Luo;Wen Zeng; Ya-hui Huang; N-Methyltransferases of Caffeine Biosynthetic Pathway in Plants, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020.5, 68(52): 15359-15372. (4) JieTeng; ChangyuYan;Wen Zeng; YuqianZhang; Zhen Zeng; Ya-hui Huang ; Purification and characterization of theobromine synthase in a Theobromine-Enriched wild tea plant (Camellia gymnogyna Chang) from Dayao Mountain, China, Food Chemistry, 2020.5, 311(125875) . (5) Tao Wang; Yiqing Wang; Jiamin Zhao; Jiumei Kong; Lingzhi Zhang; Siyu Qi; Jiajia Chen; Zhidan Chen;Wen Zeng; Weijiang Sun ; Identification, Characterization and Expression Profiling of the RS6 Gene Family during the Withering Process of White Tea in the Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis) Reveal the Transcriptional Regulation of CsRS8., International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023. (6) Yiqing Wang; Tao Wang; Siyu Qi; Jiamin Zhao; Jiumei Kong; Zhihui Xue; Weijiang Sun and Wen Zeng.Genome-wide identification, expression profiling, and protein interaction analysis of the CCoAOMT gene family in the tea plant (Camellia sinensis). BMC Genomics (2024) 25:238. 科技成果 |